#1 - Papa Don't Preach - Madonna
I wasn't a huge fan of Madonna until I was in high school and then this song was a song I could relate to.
#2 - Greatest Love Of All - Whitney Houston
One song I should probably listen to EVERY STINKING DAY of my life. It may help me love myself...
#3 - Broken Wings - Mr. Mister
Everyone could use this lesson. Don't let life keep you down, EVER!
Honorable Mention #1 - Conga - Sound Machine
Just love the beat to this song. Can't stay still while listening to this song.
Honorable Mention #2 - Manic Monday - The Bangles
Who doesn't hate Mondays???? And doesn't everything seem to go wrong on a Monday?
Honorable Mention #3 - Crush On You - The Jets
Okay, I'll be honest. I first listened to The Jets because they were members of the church. I was amazed that a family group could be so big in the world. Then I just ended up liking their songs because I was a pre-teen and totally boy crazy!!!
Honorable Mention #4 - How Will I Know - Whitney Houston
Again, being the boy crazy kid that I was this song was perfect for me and asked questions I had myself.
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