Jul 30, 2007

Another Update

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That's me - Simpsonized...Couldn't resist.
Anyhow, just another update about last week.
Sunday, July 22: Tanis' 7th Birthday. Before church at one, we let him open all of his gifts that Eric and I got for him. He was extremely happy and and maybe a wee bit spoiled. We go to church and after church come home and get ready for his party with family. I made the party start at 5 as an open house, so we didn't have time for a major dinner or anything. I just did Lloyd's BBQ chicken and called it good. We all enjoyed his party and had lots of fun. And our family members spoiled Tanis as well. Tanis even got to sleep over at my mom's that night, while my older sister took Shaylyn and Lex. Monday night they were going to swap kids...My mom would take Shaylyn and Lex and my sister would take Tanis.
Monday, July 23: Took the time that the kids were with family to relax. Straightened the house and did all the things I normally do, but then I had lots of time to get pages ready to scrapbook. I had to work at 5 that night, so I didn't get anything scrapbooked, but figured I had the next day to do so. About halfway through my shift I get the feeling that I am getting a sore throat. I wasn't happy...But I figured as long as it's just a sore throat I'll be fine. However, as soon as I got home from work, I knew that I was going to be sick - I was thinking flu with the symptoms I was having. Luckily because the kids were with family I was able to go straight to bed.
Tuesday, July 24: Happy Pioneer Day! Didn't even realize it was a holiday...Spent the morning in bed trying to recover and be well enough to go to work that night. Got out of bed only to take medicine. Around 3:30 I took a nice bath to get ready for work. Worked from 5-10 and was miserable the whole time...It was one of those situations where your head is so dizzy and light you don't really feel like you are where you are...Came home from work and just lied in bed waiting for Eric and the kids to come home. They had gone to Eric's parents to celebrate and watch fireworks. They came home around 11, and after getting the kids settled in bed, I went to bed as well.
Wednesday, July 25: Still don't feel well in the morning. Eric decides he better work from home so that I can get more rest. I rest on and off and around 11 or so I get up to get some medicine. I take my medicine and a drink to wash down the nasty taste of medicine and the next thing I know I am on the kitchen floor with Eric asking if I can breathe...Apparently, I passed out...I was so glad Eric was home. I was supposed to work that night but because I had passed out, and I still wasn't feeling good - I called in.
Thursday, July 26: I still don't feel good in the morning...Feel better, but not like I would if I had just had the flu or a cold...Still spend the day in bed and around 4 we decided to head to Instacare...We see the nurse in Instacare tell her what has been going on - Difficulty swallowing, Lightheaded, Dizzy - and she does a quick strep test. The dr. then comes in does the usual look in the ears and mouth. He looks in my mouth real quick and says it looks nasty in there. And I reply it feels nasty. He tells me that I have STREP! I have NO IDEA where I got it from. No one I have been around has been sick. Oh well. He tells me I have 2 options. He can give me a prescription that would be 2 pills a day for 10 days and I would feel better in 2-3 days, or I can get a shot in the butt and most people say they feel better within 24 hours. Reluctantly I went for the shot in the butt.
Friday, July 27: Still not feeling great, but feel like I can somewhat function. Straighten the house as best I can feel up to doing. Still get tired easily however, so I do take it easy. We spend the night at home just watching a movie.
Saturday, July 28: Still not 100% but feeling better. I head to work to pick up my check and check on my schedule for the next week. Then I head to the Wal-Mart by us, because our bank has a branch there. I pick up a few things and start feeling really worn out again, so I head back home. I take the rest of the night easy reading Harry Potter! Not quite halfway through, but I am still reading. Go to bed kind of early because I needed to rest up for Sunday.
Sunday, July 29: Not happy because I get scheduled to work from 12-8:30. I miss church AND its an 8 hour shift. I DON'T work 8 hour shifts. I think someone different did the schedule. Anyway, I work my shift and feel mostly okay, but totally drained again by the time I get home. We then play DVD Scene It with the kids before bed, then head to bed around 10.
Today, July 30: Still feel mostly okay, but not totally. Luckily only have to work a 5 hour shift like I am used to. I also have a job interview with the city at 1:00 that I hope results in good news...I am so ready to be done with Smith's... Anyway, guess I better get the house straightened and get some things done. Tomorrow is IDOL'S LIVE! Yeah!

Jul 19, 2007

Ho Hum

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Not a whole lot has been going on in our lives lately...
It's all been pretty much the same thing day to day. The kids having fun and enjoying the summer. And of course, the "occassional" fighting which is driving me insane. I can think of one little person who really needs to go back to school.
We took a nice trip to the zoo last Saturday with friends of ours and my little sisters small family. We had lots of fun, though we didn't have a lot of time. We arrived at the zoo around 4 and they close at 6:30. We figured we should have plenty of time to see what was there. However, Saturday was still plenty dang hot at that time. They had a sno cone special for $0.75 so we all had to have one. Though we didn't have a whole lot of time we all enjoyed the time we got to spend together and the kids had lots of fun. Eric's parents gift to all the kids this year for their birthdays was a membership to the zoo. So, it wasn't a big lose not seeing everything. We can go back whenever we want to. I had to post the picture of Eric because it is RARE that he will actually let someone take a picture of him without him making a funny face or turning his head. I was very glad he cooperated. Nice to have a picture of his face and not his profile.
After the zoo our friends had another appointment they had to go to, so the rest of us figured out what we wanted to do. My little sisters husband really wanted to go see "Transformers" and Eric didn't mind that at all. (He'd already seen it twice) My sister and I weren't really in the mood to go see a movie, so we decided the guys could go to the movie and we would go shopping.
It turned out to be a good night, but we were all exhausted by the time we got home. It's been nice to take this week slow. My little brother is staying with us this week and I hope he's had fun. My parents went away to Girl's Camp, so it was nice for him to have somewhere to go.
Sunday is Tanis' 7th birthday. We are getting geared up for that. He is excited. I was frustrated with when I got the invitations...The package with all the bday decorations and invites didn't come as soon as I had hoped, so his invites just barely went out yesterday. I hope everyone receives them in time.
As for the job, I've decided I need to find something new. I am too stressed out... Smith's wants so much "perfection" that it is just driving me crazy. We have produce tests every so often, have to be scanning 28 items or something per minute, and do a bunch of other things. I don't know, for the most part it wouldn't be so bad. But I just don't have enough coordination to go super fast when scanning things, and I don't know enough about produce to be too effective. I applied for a job with the city that would be part time doing things I did when Eric and I first got married. I am so hoping it will work out. I am so much more comfortable in an office setting. If anyone else hears of other job opportunities that will allow me to kind of work around a Kindergarten schedule please let me know...
Still need to get back to the gym...Don't know what is holding me back. This week would've been a perfect week to go, but I've just been too lazy.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Jul 6, 2007

Just To Keep You Up To Date

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I hope the summer has been good to all of you.

We have been kinda busy all things considering.

I got a job at the Smith's out here and a couple weeks ago I had 3 days full of training. It was exhausting to say the least. Now that I am actually working it isn't quite so bad. There is a lot to learn and I learn something new everyday. It is a fast paced job, which I like because the time flies by.

The kids are enjoying the summer and playing outside with their friends. They have all gotten sun tans from the length of time they are outside. We've also had the ouchies that come with the summer.

The past few days have been busy, and fun. On the 3rd of July I was able to get together with my best friend from High School. We each have 3 kids, although only Shaylyn and Lex have a kid their age. But even though that is the case, they all had fun playing while my friend and I visited.

After the visit, we headed to my little sisters place to wait for Eric. When Eric got there we all headed to dinner at Godfather's Pizza. The kids enjoyed their food and it was fun to be with my little sister and her husband. We then went back to their place to watch a movie.
The kids were going to sleep over at my parents house that night, but my mom wouldn't get home from work until 9:30. After the movie ended, it was about 10, so we decided to take the kids to my parents. When we got there, my mom still wasn't home - she decided to run to the store to pick up things for the 4th. Luckily, we only had to wait about 10 minutes before she got back home. We got the kids all settled and said our goodbyes and headed home.
The next morning, July 4th, we headed back out to the valley. My family all decided we would do mini golf before they headed where they needed to go. We all met up at the outdoor mini golf place and we all had fun. The kids enjoyed their time and so did the "big kids." After mini golf we went to get ice cream. It was yummy. When we all finished our ice cream we said our goodbyes. My family was headed to my uncles house for a party (we couldn't go as I had to work), so we headed home. We stopped to check out the new IKEA store, but that was a bad idea. It was crazy full of people and we were all too tired to really enjoy looking at anything. Before heading home we stopped and bought some fireworks to do when I got home from work. (My shift was from 5-8:45)
After a crazy day at work, I headed home and it was time for fireworks! Sadly, Lex was asleep and I was unable to rouse him, so we did them without him. :(
Shaylyn had had a fever for the better part of the day and fell asleep halfway through. Eric, Tanis and I all enjoyed the fireworks, however. We even had other people on the street doing their fireworks, so it was fun to see it all. I was sad that I missed out on the party at my uncles, because I haven't seen that side of the family for awhile and my cousin who joined the Coast Guard was on leave. It would've been nice to talk with him.
Anyway, I think I rambled on a bit...Hope everyone else had a nice 4th of July.
As for the gym and losing weight thing - I kind of got out of the habit with the training I had to do. I am hoping to get back into the swing of things this week. Help keep me motivated!!!!
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