Jun 14, 2012

I Told You So

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Mwahaha, so remember how yesterday I told you that I had more to post about? I wasn't lying. Today I give you 4 updates. 4!!!

But now I am 'caught up', so we can all rest easier. LOL!


Fresh Air, HaWaWi Style

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June 7-9 found us at Payson Lakes Campground. It was what has become our yearly camping trip with our friends.

For the first couple years it was our family and one other family. Last year we opened up our circle and welcomed another family to join us. I can't imagine going without them now. I honestly hope this is a tradition we can keep up with for a very long time.

To clear any confusion, I need to say that we did NOT go to Hawaii. IF I ever got to Hawaii, I wouldn't be spending it in the dirt - I'd be at the beach and enjoying the scenery. When I posted pics on Facebook someone thought I meant Hawaii, when in reality HAWAWI is just the first 2 intials in each of the families last names. I came up with it on my own. LOL!

And because I'm lazy and there's way too many pics to list individually, I made yet ANOTHER video. ENJOY!

Splish, Splash

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Last year our city put in a splash park and it's only about 10 minutes from our house. However, I never took the kids there last year. I figured we had the pool, they didn't need to go to the splash pad.

This year I decided I would repent and take them. I didn't tell them where I was taking them, just told them to get their swimming suits on. Shaylyn guessed we were going to the big pool and I didn't answer her one way or the other. But being the smart little thing she is figured out quite quickly where we were going and she wasn't happy about it. She pouted the whole way there.

Finally, when we actually got there she had changed her tune and enjoyed herself. The older boys also had a blast. I was sad that Ailey wasn't as involved as I thought she'd be. She only actually made it TO the pad, once. Then she was done.

Nathaniel just isn't a water person and so I didn't even bother getting him changed. He was whining the whole time that he just wanted to go back home. Because of Ailey and Nate not having any fun we probably only stayed for a half hour. But, oh well - we tried it and maybe if I go more often the landlubbers will start to ease into it...

Gimme Chocolate And No One Gets Hurt!

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So about a week before June 1st, I got a call from my Wyoming brother asking if we were busy on June 1st. When I told him 'no', he asked if we'd like to meet at my Mom's to play the CANDY BAR GAME. Of course I said, yes! My brother is always so good to think of the kids.

A couple nights before the event, I get an email from my mom asking if we'd be okay if she invited her brother (our uncle) over to also celebrate his birthday. We were more than okay with that. This uncle has and is always there for us and our kids. He is just amazing. I was thankful for the chance to get to spend his big day with him.

Because Eric carpools with one of his buddy's to work, I had to go pick him up. And because of the timing, it meant we'd be at my Mom's for a couple hours before the party was set to start. My parents had a wedding reception to go to and I was worried we'd get locked out again, so I sent her a text to leave the door open for us. Although, it ended up not mattering because they hadn't left yet when we got there.

My parents headed to their reception and I went about making dinner for my family. And no, I didn't mooch off of my parents. I planned ahead and brought everything I needed from home. ;)
After dinner people started showing up and we had fun visiting.

-- And this was even BEFORE the sugar... --

-- She makes us all look bad. She was getting stuff ready for her daughters bday party the next night. --

-- She's my favorite niece --

Then we got down to business and played the game! At one point I had to step away to deal with Ailey and Lex took a few turns for me. He did awesome and got me candy EVERY single turn! I'm taking him to VEGAS! HAHAHA!

After the game was completed, the kids scattered immediately and drove into their stashes. (Oh, I remembering now that Tanis wasn't with us. He had been invited to a friends birthday party and had been talking about it for 2 weeks, so we felt it was important for him to go to that party, instead.) Nathaniel walked away with Shocktarts that I was going to give my sister when Nate wasn't looking, (she asked for them during the last part of the game and Nate wasn't having it) and then before I knew it he was eating them. My sister told me I should take a video of his reaction and this is what we got:

Uh, yeah - so not what we expected. LOL!

After candy, it was time for birthday fun! Sadly, I missed my uncle actually blowing out the candles because my camera was still set on video mode, but thankfully he was being goofy and I got an 'after' picture anyway!

Everybody went about doing their own things while others were enjoying birthday pie. 

After awhile my little kids got antsy, so I took them outside. They had all sorts of fun outside. Because Nathaniel and Ailey had both witnessed Shaylyn's race, it was still fresh on their minds and they decided to have a race of their own.

We had a great time being outside and the kids absolutely loved it. It was a great way to end an already fun evening.

The best part of the night was towards the very end. My brother would blow up a balloon and then let it go. The little girls thought this was HILARIOUS and begged him to do it over and over again. I think he walked a  way a bit light headed and red in the face.

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