Dec 16, 2014

Baby's Day Out

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So I get an instant message from Eric early in the day. He tells me that I should join him for lunch. A little later on in the conversation I discover that it's because he forgot his wallet. So, really he was just using me to get to his money. Hahaha.

But, because he was offering lunch - I decided we'd go. I also decided I'd take the kids on Trax because Eric works downtown and Shilo don't drive downtown! It really doesn't help that I didn't know exactly how to get to Eric's office.

So Ailey, Jace and I got ready and drove to the nearest Trax station and began our journey. The trip would take about a half hour, but that was okay. And luckily we made it just in time for a train and we didn't have to wait.

Ailey loved riding on the train for the most part. She got a little nervous at the times when we were 'high up'. Jace did really good and didn't mind being in the stroller for the whole of the train. (Yes, he's in a 'girly' stroller - it's the only small stroller we have)

Eric met us at our stop and we headed to KFC for lunch. Ailey and Jace had lots of fun seeing Daddy in the middle of the day.

While we were in line for lunch, there was a gentleman in line who is probably batting for the other team - but he was one of those gentlemen who has this cool, soulful vibe. He was talking with Jace and mentioned to me that he thought Jace was an 'old soul'. I agreed with him to be polite. But really, I thought it was kind of fun. Jace is definitely a smart little bugger and very aware of things that happen around him, but I don't know that I'd go as far as saying he's an old soul.

After lunch we went to see Daddy's work. In the 5 years or so that he's worked in that building, I've never been there. We once parked in the parking area to go to Disney On Ice when Eric and his dad both worked there, but I had never been inside.

Eric introduced us to people he works with, which is hard for me cause I hate being the center of attention, but it was nice to put faces with names.

I needed to get back home as the other kids were going to start getting home from school, so Eric walked us back to the train and we said goodbye to Daddy.


On the way home, Jace had fallen asleep - so I took him out of the stroller and snuggled with my little guy. I don't get to do it often as there always seems to be something that needs to get done. So I was thankful to have a half hour where I could snuggle him without feeling the pressure that something else needed to get done or I had to be somewhere else.

Ailey decided she'd sit in the stroller in the meantime and went from the stroller to a seat more times than I can count.

Overall, it was a really nice day out and the little kids did AWESOME. I was thankful that Eric got me out of the house.

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