Jan 17, 2013

Don't You Wish Your Neighbors Were Cool Like Mine?

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Eric leaves fairly early in the morning. Most of the time when he leaves he's only been awake for about 30 minutes. So yeah, he pretty much misses anything except for the car. Okay, it's also like pitch black when he leaves.

The kids were out of school, so no one went outside for quite sometime. Then about noonish time someone finally goes outside. They come running in almost screaming for me to look outside, so I look at see this:

We were vandalized in the best possible way. Still not sure who the culprits are, but I was thrilled. I am absolutely in love with the lollipops. The kids were thrilled with the candy cane wreath on the door. The snowflakes were another addition along with the angel garland that you can barely see in front of the window. (Ignore the ladder that someone ::cough, cough:: Eric ::cough,cough:: forgot to put away)

I'm so thankful for these people and don't even know who they are. Plus the fact that they did this in the night, during December...Wow...Love it!

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