Jan 20, 2013

Cookies For Teacher

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*** Date: January 7, 2012 ***

In English Tanis has what's called "Reading Bingo." Each student is given a sheet of paper at the start of each month and they have to fill in their cards, just like you would a bingo card. On each square is some sort of something they have to read. He's had stuff like, 'read 3 pamphlets', 'read a graphic novel',   'read an instruction manual', etc.

There is one such square that has them read 10 recipes and then, then the have to MAKE the recipe. WHAT?!?! This is an English class, not a cooking class right?

Okay, honestly it didn't bother me that he had to make something. I thought it was a little odd for an English class, but I was all for him making me some goodies. Of course, I had to help him along because he's not so adept in the kitchen, yet. Although, he's miles ahead of his Dad. HAHAHA!!!

After reading his 10 recipes he decided on Peanut Butter cookies. Darn! I like them okay, but they're not my favorite.

I wish I had taken pictures while we were making the cookies, but I didn't. But here's our finished product:

I love it when I get goodies that I only had to half help with, or not at all. HINT HINT!!! ;)

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