Feb 28, 2011

Le Jour De L'amour

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So this post is only 2 weeks late in coming, but at least it's getting posted, right???

For those of you that aren't very good with French the title of this post is The Day of Love, which means I am talking about Valentine's Day. WOOT! WOOT!

Our kids were SPOILED this Valentine's Day. My parents gave them a bag of goodies including a straw and bubbles. My older sister gave them their own thing of Crush soda and a bag of candy. Eric's parents gave them these:

(Aren't they cute?) In these bags were a few things of fruit snacks, some candy and cards with a $10 bill. That's right Eric's parents gave each of the kids $10. The kids had a blast choosing toys to buy with their money.

As for me, I was surprised with this:


Eric always does an awesome job and always ends up surprising me. He decided to give it to me the night of the 13th because he works from early morning until late at night.

ON Valentine's Day the kids and I did our traditional cookies:

Nate Cookies

Lex Cookies

Shaylyn Cookies

Tanis Cookies

Finished Cookies

Ailey, was just hanging around:


As for Eric's gift - well, I made these for him:

Love Dice

And yes, he really liked them - although he has yet to use them. ;)

We had a great Valentine's Day this year and I hope the rest of you did as well!

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