Oct 10, 2013

Such A Blessing

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We pulled together Jacen's blessing slightly last minute.

A couple weeks before the blessing we were visiting with the Bishop (he called me to team teach Sunday School with Eric) and he asked about blessing the baby. I wasn't sure when Fast Sunday would be because of conference and he told me it was in 2 weeks (September 29).

So 2 weeks to plan. I decided to use Shutterfly for the invites as I had gotten a $20 coupon in the goody bag we got at the hospital.

The days before the blessing I was a bit crazy, especially since I was gone literally all day/night on Saturday. I prayed the house would remain clean and Eric did a good job keeping it clean.

By 10:30 (church is at 11) I had everyone but me ready for church. I was showered and dressed, but my hair still needed some attention. I had Eric take everyone but Ailey and Jace to the church to save seats knowing that there were 3 other babies being blessed.

Our family is great and everyone that could be there was. This meant that my dear, sweet sister in law came without my brother (he had to work) and Eric's dad though still weak from his Chemo treatment the Tuesday before, also came to support us.

Eric gave Jace a wonderful blessing and it was super bittersweet to have Eric's Dad helping. We both realized how special an event this was.

Sadly, during Sacrament - my dear sister in law had a seizure. She was on the other end of the bench than I was so I didn't notice it at first. When I did notice, there was ward members already over there helping her. Eric's poor mom, being a nurse, was trying to decide if she should go over and help or not. We decided there was already enough people helping her out that we'd just wait it out. But, Eric's mom still timed the seizure.

When she came to, my Dad and Mom helped her out to the foyer. I decided I needed to go make sure she was okay and just give her some love. Because she had come with my parents and they were planning on staying, my little sister had tried to get a hold of my sister in law's parents. In the mean time Eric's parents decided they'd just head on home (they were going to go after the meeting anyway, given the way Dad was feeling), and drop my sister in law off on the way home.

After getting everyone situated, I got back to the meeting just in time for it to end. I was sad to have missed all the testimonies, but my attention was required else where. After the meeting was over we came home and had a small little lunch with my family. I really missed my brother and sister in law, as well as Eric's parents.
Due to the circumstances of the day, we were all worn out and emotionally spent. With Eric's mom not being there and serving as my paparazzi, I almost completely forgot about pictures.

It only occurred to me to take photos when Jace needed a clean diaper. Thankfully he was in a good mood and cooperated, but it meant the other kids had changed and there's no photos of Jace and his grandparents or with us.

My absolute faves from the day would be these:

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