Oct 5, 2013

Girls Day Out

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I ran away last Saturday, all day and all night long. I left all the kids (minus Jace) with Eric for 12 hours. I had good reason to be gone that long. Really I did.

We had a baby shower for my big sister at noon, but my mom needed help setting up and decorating. Because it takes me an hour to get to my mom's, I left at 9. This got me to my mom's by 10 and we had a couple hours to decorate, do last minute food prep and then I took time to actually 'get ready' for the day.

The shower was nice. A steady flow of people came and most stayed the entire time. My sister got lots of fun new things for her baby girl and it was fun to watch her get excited. We spent time visiting with family we don't see very often and my wonderful aunt, Linda (she's my Dad's baby sister) wanted to get a picture of all her nieces. My cousin and I were surprised to realize there's only 5 of us. We both thought, for some odd reason, there were more. I guess it's just cause all of us cousins played together for the most part, so not having the boys with us was odd. Anyway, we posed for this picture. I'm glad we have it, but it makes me feel fat looking at it...

We had to sit down because my little nephew was SLEEPING. But, of course he woke up minutes after the picture was taken....

After the shower we cleaned up and while my Mom and older sister went to another baby shower, my little sister and I ran to a store. We weren't there long, but by the time we got back to my mom's it was about time to get ready for Women's Conference.

We went to Women's Conference in the building where I went to church growing up. My parents moved out of that ward like 10 years ago, so it was weird to be back in that building. I was nervous that I wasn't going to get much out of conference because Jace had been taking 5 - 10 minute cat naps most of the afternoon and I was afraid it was going to continue. Thankfully, I got him to sleep just before conference started and he stayed asleep.

I can't say that I really 'remember' much of what was said at conference, but I do remember it was nice and I loved what Pres. Monson had to say.

After conference we went back to my mom's so my little sister could feed her baby and then she could leave him with his Daddy while we went to Leatherby's. We got to Leatherby's at a prime time and didn't have to wait for a table. (Okay, my older sister might've since she left before us...)

We had a fun time visiting over our ice cream and the night ended way too soon. After Leatherby's we headed back to my mom's so I could feed Jace and pack up before heading home. After I got Jace fed we headed home. He slept the whole way home and even stayed asleep when I transferred him from the car seat to his bed, which was nice because I had to do some last minute cleaning of my house to prepare for Jace's blessing the next morning...

Stay tuned for that story.

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