Oct 29, 2013

Hear The Band

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Because of the new school being built by us, Tanis has a whole new slew of teachers. This included his band teacher, which made me sad. I really liked the guy from his previous school and thought he did an excellent job. That's not saying his new teacher is horrible, I like her as a person and I think she does a good job too, it's just not the same.

Anyway, here's the video of the 2 songs Tanis played during the concert. You can't see him at all, but he's in the second row on the right, on the other side of the blonde girl...

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater

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Knowing Halloween was creeping up on us, I knew we had to carve pumpkin soon. I didn't want to do it too soon, so that the pumpkins were caving in on Halloween, so I decided to do it 2 nights before. Figured that was a pretty safe time to do so.

So after the kids got home from school we got busy.

We didn't manage to get any carved, because we had to get ready to go to Tanis' band concert. Shaylyn got hers carved, but that was all. We had planned to finish after the concert, but life didn't go the way we wanted...

Oct 28, 2013

Student Of The Month

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I love moments that can make you happy as a parent.

Shaylyn gave me a note the weekend before the 28th that invited us to an awards ceremony. I asked if it meant she was Student of the Month and she said, "Yes." Just when I was so happy for her, she said her class votes. WHAT?!?!?! Isn't the teacher supposed to choose? Ah well, I guess her teacher gives the students a topic of sorts on who to vote for. The topic for October's SOM was BRAVE. Apparently the class thinks Shaylyn is brave and tries lots of new things or else she's just popular in her class. I guess it helps when you vote for yourself too. HAHAHA!

So early this morning, Jace, Ailey and I headed over to the school. Ailey was still so tired that I took her in her pj's. They have parents sit in the very back of the gym and everything takes place in the front of the gym, so I didn't get great pictures...but we got what we got.

Oct 24, 2013


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There's a reason I don't do selfies very much like most girls do these days. I look stupid trying to come up with just the right face. It's a good thing I'm not a teen I guess. Anyway, the only reason for these selfies is because I was doing a Survivor type thing on one of the Digi Scrapbook forums I'm part of. I wanted a picture of me with the stuffed bear. Take a look here for the completed page and more info.

So anyway I needed this picture to go on my layout...I took like 10 shots and still wasn't completely happy with any of them. I did find 1 that I liked the best to use on my layout, but here's the other ones I feel comfortable sharing. And consider yourselves lucky that I'm not sharing them all over Facebook....AND there's no duck faces...

Oct 20, 2013

The Little People

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The little people in this house keep life interesting and fun. Here's a few snapshots for you to see for yourself.

I'm turning Jace into a blankie holder...WHOOPS!

Ailey and Nate are great friends, but they also like to get into massive amounts of trouble together. When things get quiet you've really got to see what's going on.

One day the older kids told me that the little ones had gotten a hold of the camera. I got the camera back from them, but not before they had taken these beauties...

Oct 18, 2013

Oh, Those Eyes

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Oh, what do you do in the evening time
When everyone's involved.
Do you sit at the computer with your 3 year old staring up at you
With her big bright beautiful eyes
So you take a few pictures.
Is that what you do?
Well, it's what I did....


...Yup, she's definitely my child...

Witches and Pumpkins

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Just when I figured we weren't going to get to Gardner Village this year, my sister asks if I'm up for going on the 18th. It was a Friday and I'd have to get the kids out of school about an hour early to meet everyone on time, but I knew the kids would enjoy it - so I did it.

I also knew it'd be insanely crowded because of UEA and it was a Friday. It was insane. You couldn't really walk 2 feet without bumping into someone else.

My mom, older sister, older brother and his family as well as my little sister and her kids were all there. We were hoping my little brother could make it with his son, but his time was limited and he wouldn't make it in time.

We had a mostly enjoyable time. We skipped the petting zoo and pony rides this year and just went to search for the witches. The kids didn't seem to mind too much and had fun searching - after all, all they want is that cookie in the end.

Because of the chill in the air we didn't get quite as many pictures as we would've liked either, and in all the rush of my day I left my camera at home. Thankfully I had my phone - even though I don't really like how camera pictures come out. But a picture is better than no picture at all.


...Our families may or may not support rival teams...


Then somehow I convinced Eric to go to the pumpkin patch after work since the kids and I would already be down in the valley that way. So Eric let me know when he got to his car off of Trax and the kids and I then headed off to the patch to meet up with Eric.

I wish I had had a better time, but my stomach was in knots and I just wasn't in the best frame of mind. But we accomplished what we went there for and that was getting our pumpkins. Ailey found what we thought would be her pumpkin right away, but as it later turned out she found a smaller one for her, so the one she grabbed immediately became mommy and daddy's pumpkin. Eric even found a little pumpkin for Jace. I wasn't going to get one for him, but I thought it was cool that Eric thought of the little guy.






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