Nov 11, 2009

17 Days of Thankful - Day #2

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Alright, so technically "Day #2" is about 10 hours late of making it to actual day #2, but I was kind of busy yesterday, so it just didn't happen.

Anyway, onto :

Thankful - Day #2: I am thankful to be pregnant.

That may sound weird to many of you, but to tell you the truth, I really wasn't too excited when I found out #5 was on the way.

I had/have so many fears about what people are going to say/think because Nathaniel isn't even 2 yet. (He will be by the time this baby actually gets here, though) And I still worry about other people's reactions, but I am getting better at accepting whatever they have to say.

I needed to step back and thank the Lord that he is choosing to bless us with another one of his special spirits because I know not everyone is so lucky. I know many people who struggle to get pregnant or to keep a baby once they are pregnant.

I have never had an issue and I am thankful for that. I just need to focus on the fact that the Lord feels we need to have another baby and now is the time.

We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time yesterday and it helped alleviate some of my fears and I am finally able to start "getting happy" about things.

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1 comment:

  1. Alec only turned 2 on Monday and I'm due in 2 months---I think your timing is perfect :o) I know how you feel though-this is only #4 for me and I've had a very interesting response from LOTS of people-send people my way, I'll tell them what's what :o)!


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