Dec 2, 2013

Christmas Countdown: Day 1

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Once again, my mom did a Christmas Countdown for the kids. Each year she tries to do something fun and something themed. She also tried to keep it somewhat "Christ" centered. This year she put together a mix and match type thing with holiday songs and scriptures.

The kids would open the gift then we'd try to match the gift with a song and scripture that she had listed. The songs were pretty easy, but the scriptures were a different story all together. I'm still not sure we got them all right.

So night #1, the kids got a calendar with stickers and the list of the songs/scriptures.

Today's song: CHIPMUNK SONG - "Hurry Christmas, hurry fast."
Today's scripture: "...all is as one day with God, and time only is measured unto men." Alma 40:8

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