Nov 1, 2008

Feeling Inspired

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So today I had a family baby shower to attend.

The day I received the invite, I had been getting stuff ready for the Preschool using my Cricut and I just happened to be using a cute teddy bear.

So when I saw this invite (yes, I erased vital info):

And just so I don't get in trouble about any copyrights or anything, apparently the invite was done by a company called Tiny Prints. Check out the website at

I knew exactly how I wanted to make the card (if I got time to do so). Well this morning I had about an hour before I needed to leave and decided I would make the card. This is how it turned out:
Not as great as I imagined in my head, but it was cute enough.


  1. Hey I feel horrible you still don't have your scentsy stuff, we need to coordinate so I can get it to you. Let me know, e-mail me at

  2. Your card is so cute. Way to use the inspiration to come up with such a great card.

    I hope your week with preschool went well.


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