She provided us with a 'Christmas Countdown' in the way of gifts. In the previous years she has done a gift for each child, each day. This year, however, she decided to do something a little different.
In her words, "It is easy at this busy time of year to focus on the commercial aspects of Christmas. Because the kids already have so many toys and things I have chosen to do something different with th Christmas countdown this year and involve everyone. I know this won't be as "fun" for the children, but my hope is that together we can make the season more meaningful and emphasize the real reason for the season. Each day you will discover a gospel principle, blessing, lesson, etc. that is particularly meaningful to one of the members of this family. The birth of the Savior brought purpose, meaning and understanding to our lives and without Him all promises and blessings would be null and void. My hope is that you will take advantage of these small teaching moments each day and help your children understand the message of each day in a simple way that they can understand."
"This first gift is to remind us "why" we celebrate Christmas."
So for day one we let Nate (youngest who knows HOW to unwrap a gift) open the first gift.
This is what we received:
It is a depiction of Santa visiting Baby Jesus. What an awesome decoration to have and what better way to show the children that Jesus IS THE REASON for the season!
Thanks MOM!
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