Aug 18, 2012

Pioneer Day 2012

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This day totally didn't turn out the way Eric or I envisioned.

We both planned on having a quiet morning and then heading to my parents around 12 or 1. My parents had a bbq planned around 5 since some folks still had to work, but Eric had the day off.

Eric wanted to go shooting with my little brother. Me, I wasn't so keen to go stick around my parents house for hours on end with nothing to do. So I wasn't in any hurry to get ready and I was waiting for Eric's cue.

After I told him I wasn't really so interested in hanging out at my mom's he suggested that we could maybe just take the kids and go to a movie or something. I'll be honest - I was ornery and having a hard day and just wasn't feeling like I wanted to go fight kids in a theater, so I declined and lounged around.

We finally got out of the house around 3 and Eric wasn't so happy with me (I don't blame him - I honestly don't. I was totally at fault) and so we didn't really talk until we had stopped at a store by my parents to get our food for the bbq.

We got to my parents around 5 and just when I didn't think I couldn't feel any more guilty about how I acted that morning, I found out my older sister had gone to get her boyfriends kids from his ex-wife so that the kids could play with my kids. We could only stay for an hour. One of the kids even said, "You have to leave already? You just got here."

We next headed out to the ballpark to meet up with Eric's family and enjoy the game and fireworks. Eric's mom could tell that Eric and I weren't on great terms. I don't know how, but she could tell. Eric thought the whole day was pretty much wasted and we should've just stayed home - but for me it was actually good to get out of the house and not sit around and mope. Holidays should be celebrated.

Towards the end of the night both our walls had really come down and Eric and I were able to let the days events disappear and enjoy each other's company the rest of the night. Which was a good thing or it could've been a LOOOONG drive home.

Here's the video for the day, and a few things about the night/video:

- I realize I titled it Independence Day...I also almost titled this post the same way. To say the least my brain hasn't been functioning at 100% lately.
- There was a cute little blonde teenage girl sitting behind us. At one point she got up and got a balloon animal bee. She GAVE it to Ailey and Ailey was the happiest little thing EVER! I couldn't believe how thrilled she was with the thing.
- Nate slept through fireworks AGAIN! I don't know how that boy does it, but he does.
- Yes, I'm wearing glasses. I hate them. I tore my last contact and we were waiting for the replacements to come in the mail. Yes, I should plan better.

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