Jul 13, 2011

Nebraska: Day 3 - Sunday, July 3, 2011

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On Sunday we went to Sacrament Meeting with Eric's grandparents. His grandparents building has done their schedules a bit odd, so their Sacrament Meeting was at 9:30. CRAZINESS. It takes probably 10 - 15 minutes to get to their church building (We're not in Utah anymore, Toto), so we had to be ready to go around 9:00.

Eric's grandparents have 1 bath/shower - 1! That's 11 people trying to get ready each day and on Sunday we all had to be ready by 9:00! Thankfully I knew this so the kids had bathed on Saturday night. Eric's parents and grandparents are all fairly early risers so they battled that out earlier on and then Eric got ready and then I did. It was hectic -but hey, we made it on time!

After Sacrament Meeting we went back to Eric's grandparents house. I wasn't feeling well (I hadn't slept well the past 3 nights) so I tried to take a nap. Well the kids kept coming down bugging me, so I gave up and went up to visit with the rest of the family.

Eventually, Eric's brother and girlfriend offered to take the kids to the park so I could rest. They would've taken Ailey, but I thought I could get her to go to sleep if I snuggled with her. Eric had fallen asleep and was unaware of what was going on, but when he woke up - he headed to the park as well.

I spent a bit of time chatting with Eric's mom and grandma and then one by one we all fell asleep or dozed off. Even Ailey. And it's so much nicer to rest with a sweet baby, isn't it? I was resting for an hour or so when everyone came back and I actually felt better! It's amazing what a little bit of sleep can do.

We had dinner and I ate way too much like I always do with Sunday Dinner and a little bit after dinner one of Eric's aunt's came over to visit. Eric's mom has 5 siblings. 2 of them live in Utah around her, 3 of them live in Nebraska near her parents. So this aunt came over to visit. We had a very nice visit and it was so nice of her to come. We all had a nice visit with her and her husband. They are both fairly quiet people, but we were able to come up with topics that kept them involved. Eric is convinced that Shaylyn will look like this aunt when she is older. I don't see it 100%.

It was just a quiet Sunday and one of those perfect days of not needing to be anywhere or do anything.

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