I really wanted to go to the mall this day. I'm not totally sure why. Probably just to get out on our own for a bit. And I'm always curious as to what stores happen to be in different malls. I was also in search of some kind of souvenir.
We left around noon and just took our time walking through the mall. We had lunch in the food court - the kids opted for Burger Kind, Eric and I opted for Sbarro. We then got the kids REAL Orange Julius. I've been making Orange Julius a lot this summer with a recipe I found somewhere that I really like - but it's not the real thing. So I told the kids I'd have to get them a real one sometime. As soon as they saw the Orange Julius store, they remembered what I had said. Luckily, Eric was a good sport and agreed to let us all get one after we ate.
I did something this day that really made Eric upset with me. I think he still has his moments where he is upset by it. In fact last night he was upset by it again...The picture below shows what I did (It wasn't taken at THE time, but it was take then same day.)

Ignore her hair do. She's taken to pulling out the elastics in her hair if she can. Did you figure it out? We got Ailey's ears pierced. Eric did give me the go-ahead, but it was reluctantly. He felt so bad that Ailey got so upset when they pierced her ears. She didn't react as calmy as Shaylyn did and I wasn't expecting that. As soon as it was over Eric scooped Ailey up and snuggled her. She fell asleep soon after that.
We then had to head to Target to get diapers and to buy Nate and Shaylyn a good pair of sandles. Eric hates flip-flops and that's all the kids had brought. Shaylyn found a pair she liked, but they didn't have it in her size. She found another pair she liked and we had to buy it a bit big, but they still fit well enough. We also had to get Ailey another outfit because she had leaked through her current outfit and I was under the impression that when we got back to Eric's grandparents house we were going to leave right away to head to our next destination. I was wrong, but Ailey got a cute outfit out of it anyway. ;)
We were back at Eric's grandparents for probably a half hour or so and then we decided to head to the Mormon Trail Center. Eric's dad was really excited to take the kids there and wanted to show them some things.

At this time, the Mormon Trail Center is housing/showing bronze sculptures by
Angela Johnson that display the Healing Power of Christ. I'm not sure if I was supposed to take pictures or not, but I did. None of us saw signs telling us not to. There are more there than what I've posted, but the ones I posted are the ones that really 'spoke' to me. To say the least this exhibit was moving and I'm not a real artsy person.

After viewing the sculptures we headed across the street to the Mormon Pioneer Cemetary. This is where Dad really wanted to speak to the kids. Apparently Grandma and Grandpa were called to be the caretakers of the cemetary for a number of years. So they spent many Saturday's cultivating and taking care of this land. Eric's mom even spent some time helping out when she was a little girl.
Because of all the work Eric's grandparents did they were allowed to plant a garden on the premises. The place they had their garden just happens to be where the Winter Quarters Temple now is. Dad said that the prophet at the time (Sorry I'm horrible and can't remember which President it was - I think Hinckley) visited all the places they were thinking to place the temple. When he got to the area around the Mormon Pioneer Cemetary, he said it was holy ground and that's where the temple needed to be. So, Eric's grandparents had a garden on holy ground. It was kind of an awesome story.

We went back to Grandma & Grandpa's to have dinner. Then we had to get all packed up so that we could leave in the morning. The kids and I all showered and bathed, so that all we had to do the next morning would be get dressed.