Apr 10, 2013

Racing Day

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One of Eric's least favorite things is the Pinewood Derby. He gets frustrated that he doesn't have the right tools to make the cars easily, so it's something he kind of dreads...

This year he got the pleasant surprise that not only was Lex doing the Pinewood Derby, the Activity Day girls were ALSO going to be doing it. So that meant Eric had to carve out 2 cars, instead of the usual 1. He did his fatherly duty and then had Lex and Shaylyn both sand theirs down. Shaylyn really stuck with it and got hers sanded quite well, Lex did the best he could do.

We then let them paint their own. I was amazed at what Shaylyn came up with, though I shouldn't have been. She is a true artist and I loved how it came out. I also liked the fact that she wanted a little bit of glitter on her car. (The girls didn't have to follow the rules) Lex's car looked like a big mess to me, but he knew what he was doing.

Shaylyn themed her car after Minecraft (surprise, surprise) and Lex's was themed for Ninjago.

On March 16th, at about 10 to 9 in the freaking AM - we all headed over to the church. Kind of forgetting that the Derby was this morning, we had let Shaylyn sleep over at a friends house and forgot to remind her that the Derby was in the morning. So we had to go pick her up and she was a bit surprised.

The girls went first and they called theirs the Powder Puff Pinewood Derby.

After the girls we done we had wonderful refreshments in the form of Costco muffins and Orange Juice. Seeing as how none of us really had breakfast, it was the perfect treat. We then got to sit around for a half hour or so waiting for the boys to start.

Then the boys races started. It was interesting to see how many boys there are in this area that are 8-11 as opposed to the girls. We have a lot of girls, but there are so many more boys. It was kind of insane.

Neither of our kids won, but that's okay. They both had lots of fun making their cars and racing anyway. We also got away tear free this year, that's always a bonus!

After the Derby I had a major headache and came home and slept. Then later that night I convinced Eric to take me out to dinner. HAHAHA! I think we deserved it after spending all morning at the church with the kids. 

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