Dec 21, 2009

Christmas Gifts

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So, I thought I'd share the gift I made for my Grandparents this year.

I have a hard time every year trying to figure out what to give my Grandparents. I want it to be something with thought, but something somewhat "useful" or "nice" as well.

In the past I've done things like a scrapbook calendar and family pictures and last year I did the whole birthday calendar thing.

So, as I was searching some craft sites for something to do for my grandparents, I came across

As soon as I saw it, I knew it's what I wanted to do. Now hers turned out A LOT better than mine did, but I am still pleased with mine and am excited to give it to my Grandparents.

I didn't do the size she recommended and opted to do an 11x14 size instead. That meant I had to use 4x6 pictures and whatever word thing I did had to be 4x6 as well.

I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to say at the beginning, but as I kept thinking about it the scripture that started out, "Be Thou an Example..." kept coming to my head. Now, I am no scriptorian, so I had to do some research to find exactly what the scripture was and finally came across it. It is 1 Timothy 4:12.

I decided to do this because my Grandparents have always been such great examples to me. I can't even begin to name the ways in which they have influenced my life just by their examples.

The picture of my mom's parents (Kehl) is one of their Mission Pics - and personally one of my faves of them.

The picture of my dad's parents (Merchant) was taken this past April. My Mother in Law was so good to think to get a picture. We don't have many of them together.

And yes, I realize that the Merchant one is cracked. (That happened as I was putting it together and I was mad!) It is going to be fixed and replaced tonight - I was just too excited to share to wait until I fixed it.

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1 comment:

  1. Love the floating frames ... I especially like the first one ... The b/w photo compliments the design so well. What a great idea. You're so good to always think of everyone.


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