Feb 14, 2013

Star Student

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Tanis has always been a good student. He may not excel in everything at school, but he tries super hard and is always on top of things.

He is the kid who makes sure his homework gets done, even in elementary school when it could take him hours to do one math page, he still stuck with it and got it done. Being in Jr. High has been no exception. He does his homework the day he gets it and stays on top of it. I've been glad he's been such a good student in that way.

A couple weeks ago, Tanis came home with a big smile on his face and a bright yellow certificate. He showed it to me and it said that he was the Star Student in his English class. This is something they've done monthly and the names of the Star Students are printed in the newsletter the English, Science and some other class group sends out each month.

I probably didn't give Tanis enough attention about it the day he got it because I was getting ready for Shaylyn's birthday party. But I tried to let him know that we were super proud of him and we were just as thrilled as he was that he received this award. I promptly put it on the fridge for all to see.
I figured that was the end of that. But a few days later we received a post card in the mail...

This is what got me the most excited. I love hearing good things about my children and I love that the teacher took a few extra minutes out of her day to let us as parents know just why she chose Tanis. She isn't the first teacher to notice Tanis' good attitude and the fact that he TRIES. He had a teacher in 3rd grade choose him for Student of the Month for pretty much the same reasons. You can read/see that entry here...
Congrats Tanis! I hope you'll always be a good student and do your best. There are people out there who notice!


  1. What a good boy! That's TERRIFIC! :)

  2. that's terrific Tanis! I remember doing that for my students!


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