Mar 12, 2012

Ye Olde Renaissance Faire

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I'm a bit behind blogging about this, but it's okay. I was relying heavily on my friend for most of the pictures and she had issues with her memory card. All that matters is that I have them now and I'm still telling the story.

So at the end of last year I was thumbing through our kids yearbooks (Yes, our elementary gets yearbooks for the kids - I think it's AWESOME) and noticed a section about a Renaissance Faire that the 6th graders participated in. I thought to myself, "Oh, I hope that was a one time thing..."

Flash forward to this year and I had heard that the 6th graders do it EVERY year. DARN IT! I was dreading this day the whole year. It all goes back to 9th grade for me. We had a lovely Renaissance Faire and were told that we also HAD to dress up. I was less than thrilled, but being the goody, goody that I was - I obeyed. Only to find out that they decided NOT to make dressing up part of what we were graded upon, so I felt like a fool the ENTIRE day. UGH!

Well Tanis can't stop talking about the dance they're having at the Faire. He was so excited when he asked his crush, Lyndsey to dance and she said yes. I had to hold in my laughter with how excited he was.

So, anyway during Parent Teacher Conferences in January the teacher mentioned that it was coming up soon, but we'd get more information as it got closer. I never got more information. Then suddenly I hear all my friends with 6th graders talking about what they were going to do and what booths their kids were heading up. I sent an email to Tanis' teacher asking what still needed to be done and he made it sound like all the food/drink booths were taken, but if Tanis wanted to do something he could.

Of course, Tanis doing a booth meant I'd be doing a booth - so I decided not to. I honestly thought there was a choice. Tanis gets home later that day and says that he's going to do a catapult thing with one of his friends. Someone I didn't know. But he had the kids address. Well he also had no phone number to discuss a time or anything.

Still of the assumption that booths weren't necessarily required - the days slipped by. I at least took the time to go to the DI to find a costume for Tanis. I think it worked out nicely:

The day of the Faire I asked Tanis what he was going to do about the booth thing. He told me his friend had made the catapult...Well, okay then I felt like a horrible mom. Let's let you get credit for what some other kid did - AWESOME!

Apparently, Tanis manned the booth with his friend (along with that kids mom, I guess):

Afterward the 6th grade had the dance. I wondered how Tanis would do, but it looks like he enjoyed himself. I was happy to see these pictures. And that way tall girl - seriously she's only in 6th grade - she is just super tall (and my kid may or may not be on the short side). He also got to dance with his good friend, Faith.

I'm glad Tanis had a much better experience with a Renaissance Faire than I did. Maybe it's a good thing they implemented it in 6th grade - you're a bit less unsure of yourself...

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