Mar 28, 2012

Let's Talk Therapy and Health Class

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About 2 months ago (give or take a few weeks) I woke up with this major pain in my back. I figured it was just a pulled muscle or something and it would eventually work itself out.

Well two weeks later it still hadn't worked itself out and I had days where the pain was almost more than I could bear. I feel like I have a fairly high tolerance for pain and this was getting to that point. There were days I just wanted to bawl because I hurt so bad.

When I had had enough, we opted to wait a day and schedule an appt. with a family doctor. We didn't do the Instacare because we love the doctors over there sooo much.

We go to my appt. and after talking and then the doctor poking around my back, she says she thinks it's a muscle spasm and give me a muscle relaxer prescription. I felt a bit frustrated because it didn't really feel like a pulled muscle and it had lasted for so dang long. She told me that if things didn't change within a week to come back.

Well I took the muscle relaxers for the next little bit and it only made my pain worse. I stopped taking the pills and tried to live on Ibuprofen. That took the edge off, but it still didn't alleviate the pain. So a week and a half later we were back at the doctor. She looked at me like I was crazy, had an x-ray taken and when the x-ray came back clean, she really looked at me like I was crazy but then said the next option was Physical Therapy.

WHAT? Physical Therapy - that's only for people who've been in major accidents or had major surgery done, right? I was leery about the Physical Therapy and so didn't know what to expect.

My first appointment I was taken into a room where I took my top off and put a gown on and then I was hooked up to an electrical stimulation machine (I'm sure there's a fancier term for it...) for 20 minutes, while laying on a heating pad. I was then given a massage in the area of my back that had the issue. After that the doctor and a guy finishing school took a look at my bare back and had me bend and stretch to see how far my range of motion was.

The doctor then does something that I can only assume is close to what a chiropractor would do and tries to move my ribs around slightly to get the muscle in the right place. After he did that even just the first time, he could tell that there was a stubborn muscle/rib area and I was relieved.

For ONCE, the doctor didn't look at me like I was nuts. He had a name for it (which of course is some long medical term that I really don't remember) but in essence it's something that can happen during sleep and because you sleep every night it can become one long vicious cycle. I left that first appointment with a few stretches to try and feeling slightly better.

So now I go pretty much 2x a week. Jessica is the aide in her early 20's and gets the electrical stimulation going and does the massage. Jon is the guy finishing school and is literally my age. Derick is the Physical Therapist and my guess is that he's not more than 10 years older than me. I really want to say he's somewhere in between 5 and 7 years older. So for a few weeks I felt very awkward around these two men. I have since learned more about them and have become slightly more at ease with them.

Every session is now the same, where I have 20 minutes heat/electric therapy about a 10 minute massage, then I do some exercises for probably another 15-20 minutes and then Derick follows up with moving the ribs/muscles around.

Now to ease Eric's everyone's minds, I'm only undressed during the heat/electric therapy and the massage, which the young girl does. Everything else is done fully clothed! ;)

The way things usually go is that Jessica does her stuff, Jon will walk me through the exercises and Derick then messes with the ribs and muscle and follows up and lets me know what to do for the following week and when to come in next.

Last week at one of my appointments, Jon was busy helping other people so Jessica and Derick were walking me through the exercises. Derick asks me, "So Shilo, how's your bracket?"

Now being the super sport nut that I am had no idea what he was talking about. In my head I was thinking something along the lines of, "Is that a group of muscles in the back or something that I totally missed in health class?"

Thankfully Derick almost immediately let me know he was talking BASKETBALL and March Madness and all that wonderful stuff. We had a good laugh that the only team I 'should' care about was out just as quick as they were in.

Later that night (right before bed, of course) I was replaying the conversation and me thinking about why I don't remember ANYTHING I learned in Health. EVER. I then had this revelation:

In Jr. High I had a he/she teacher. Now she claimed she was a she - but this poor lady was HUGE. I'm not talking like way fat (though she was overweight) she was just tall and stocky and her hands were very masculine. Is it any wonder I don't remember anything about that class? To this day I still don't know what gender that person was born as. I'd like to believe she was just a very unfortunate woman, but knowing what I know today - I'm not positive that's the case.

In High School I had Health with my boyfriend at the time. So most of the time was spent feeling very uncomfortable with the subjects discussed as the boyfriend was sitting right next to me. Ay yi yi!
My mind is nuts, I know - but I thought I should at least share this whole Physical Therapy journey with my family.

As for the Physical Therapy I am glad to have something that makes my back feel better. It's still not great and I still have days that are worse than others, but since I've started I have felt better. I was feeling that I wasn't making a lot of progress last week and was feeling very frustrated, but Derick told me that I was right where he'd expect me to be. And said, "You always want to feel better right away, but it just takes time."

When I went in on Monday I was actually feeling pretty good. And I think the more active I am, the better it will feel. I was afraid to do a lot of anything because I wasn't sure what was going on and I was afraid of injuring myself even more, but I am finding the opposite to be true.

I'd love to say that I am pain free, but I'm not. In fact today I feel quite sore, but I haven't done my homework for 2 days now. (Ooops...) It will come in time!

And I am LOVING the 40 minutes I get weekly of quiet/reflection time. If nothing else, it helps me emotionally as well! So even though it's costing us upwards of $150 every two weeks, I think in the long run it will be worth it!

Mar 19, 2012


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Since about September, Shaylyn has been staying after school every Tuesday and Thursday, studying for the Knowledge Bowl. I thought everyone knew what a Knowledge Bowl was, but after talking to my little sister - I found out that wasn't the case.

So for those of you that don't know what it is, I'll try to explain. It's like a sports meet where one school is against another school, only because it's a 'bowl' it's a bunch of schools in the district against each other. Our school had 4 teams for the 3rd/4th grades. (We had some teams represent the 5th/6th graders last week, but since my kid didn't participate - I had nothing to do with that...) So instead of playing some sort of sport, they are asked questions of the mind. This year was Science and I heard that next year may be Classic Literature or something along those lines. Hope Shaylyn chooses to participate again.

So last Saturday morning found us getting up around 8, so that we could be to the school that was hosting the Knowledge Bowl by 9:30. Thankfully, Tanis graciously offered to babysit so that Eric and I could go and just support Shaylyn without needing to wrangle other children. There were many times that morning when I was thankful we didn't have other children with us.

Our school had 3 or 4 teams with 4 kids each. Each individual team was set to square off with 4 other teams from different schools. The matches consisted of I 'think' 14 questions. Never having been to a Knowledge Bowl I wasn't sure what to expect.

We each shuffled into our appointed rooms and the games began. One question is read to both teams and whichever teams answers correctly gets a chance to gain extra points by answering a bonus question. Our team did awesome the first two games and came away champs. The first game was fairly close, but they pulled it off. The second game they won quite easily. Then came the 3rd and 4th games and we knew we were in trouble. The last game was the worst and you could tell that each of these kids had started to give up. Shaylyn started getting frustrated and was on the verge of tears, but I was very proud of her when she overcame her emotions and got her head back in the game.

These kids surprised me with what they knew and some things I didn't even know. Our neighbor kid (kid on the very left, who belongs to my wonderful friend, Catey) is very intelligent and it was fun to see that side of him because I don't get that chance. Shaylyn also surprised me. (I don't know why, she's got a brain like her Dad's...) She made a few mistakes by not listening to the full question before answering and then getting it wrong because she didn't wait for the full question, but overall I was very impressed.

I was worried that it would be a boring day for me and I was pleasantly surprised. The matches went quickly and it was over before I knew it.

I am thankful for the time the teachers took to spend 2 days a week helping these kids out and I know that Shaylyn really enjoyed it and was talking about doing it again next year.

P.S. I'm sure this post was probably everywhere....I wasn't sure how to word a lot of it and there were things I wanted to say that probably didn't come across well. Forgive me - I'm kinda out of it lately!

Mar 12, 2012

Google Image Survey - Revisited

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So, I did this a few years ago and decided it was time to revisit it. Only I couldn't find the original one on my blog. I know it's here somewhere, but where I don't know. I looked online and found this one. Most of the questions are the same, but I think there are a few different ones as well...

Here we go...

1. your current age
2. place you'd like to travel 
3. favorite place
4. favourite object

5. favorite food 
6. favorite animal
7. favorite color

8. town in which you were born

9. town in which you live
10. name of a past pet
11. your present job

12. your screen name
13. your first name 
14. your middle name
15. your last name
16. bad habit of yours
17. first job
18. sport you play
19. favorite sweet treat
20. your plans for tomorrow

All answers come from the first page of results...End.Of.Story!!!

1. Your Current Age:

2. Place You'd Like To Travel

-- Holland, Baby! --

3. Favorite Place

4. Favorite Object

-- Which is funny because I absolutely detested it when Eric first got it for him... --

5. Favorite Food

6. Favorite Animal

7. Favorite Color

8. Town in Which You Were Born

9. Town In Which You Live

10. Name Of A Past Pet

-- So Google does this thing now, where you own pictures may show up...This was the case for MILO --

11. Your Present Job

12. Your Screen Name

-- This was one of those that popped up from my own pics when I searched TheLethargicPoet --

13. Your First Name

14. Your Middle Name

-- As in, I don't have one... --

15. Your Last Name

16. Bad Habit Of Yours

17. First Job

-- Popcorn Cottage --

18. Sport You Play

19. Favorite Sweet Treat

20. Your Plans For Tomorrow

-- Physical Therapy, Someday I'll give more info about WHY I'm going to Physical Therapy...--

And now that I've wasted a few minutes of your life - feel free to return to them...

Ye Olde Renaissance Faire

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I'm a bit behind blogging about this, but it's okay. I was relying heavily on my friend for most of the pictures and she had issues with her memory card. All that matters is that I have them now and I'm still telling the story.

So at the end of last year I was thumbing through our kids yearbooks (Yes, our elementary gets yearbooks for the kids - I think it's AWESOME) and noticed a section about a Renaissance Faire that the 6th graders participated in. I thought to myself, "Oh, I hope that was a one time thing..."

Flash forward to this year and I had heard that the 6th graders do it EVERY year. DARN IT! I was dreading this day the whole year. It all goes back to 9th grade for me. We had a lovely Renaissance Faire and were told that we also HAD to dress up. I was less than thrilled, but being the goody, goody that I was - I obeyed. Only to find out that they decided NOT to make dressing up part of what we were graded upon, so I felt like a fool the ENTIRE day. UGH!

Well Tanis can't stop talking about the dance they're having at the Faire. He was so excited when he asked his crush, Lyndsey to dance and she said yes. I had to hold in my laughter with how excited he was.

So, anyway during Parent Teacher Conferences in January the teacher mentioned that it was coming up soon, but we'd get more information as it got closer. I never got more information. Then suddenly I hear all my friends with 6th graders talking about what they were going to do and what booths their kids were heading up. I sent an email to Tanis' teacher asking what still needed to be done and he made it sound like all the food/drink booths were taken, but if Tanis wanted to do something he could.

Of course, Tanis doing a booth meant I'd be doing a booth - so I decided not to. I honestly thought there was a choice. Tanis gets home later that day and says that he's going to do a catapult thing with one of his friends. Someone I didn't know. But he had the kids address. Well he also had no phone number to discuss a time or anything.

Still of the assumption that booths weren't necessarily required - the days slipped by. I at least took the time to go to the DI to find a costume for Tanis. I think it worked out nicely:

The day of the Faire I asked Tanis what he was going to do about the booth thing. He told me his friend had made the catapult...Well, okay then I felt like a horrible mom. Let's let you get credit for what some other kid did - AWESOME!

Apparently, Tanis manned the booth with his friend (along with that kids mom, I guess):

Afterward the 6th grade had the dance. I wondered how Tanis would do, but it looks like he enjoyed himself. I was happy to see these pictures. And that way tall girl - seriously she's only in 6th grade - she is just super tall (and my kid may or may not be on the short side). He also got to dance with his good friend, Faith.

I'm glad Tanis had a much better experience with a Renaissance Faire than I did. Maybe it's a good thing they implemented it in 6th grade - you're a bit less unsure of yourself...

Mar 7, 2012

I Feel Pretty

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This story actually begins many eons months ago. We're talking like summertime of 2011. But, sit tight and the reason it's being told 6 months later will make sense...

So last summer I had friends of mine raving about a little clothing store and I kept hearing more and more about it. I finally started following this little boutique on Facebook. They would post such cute things and I would admire them from a distance.

Being a mother of 5, with only one income coming into this home - I rarely have money for me. When I do have money for me I usually spend it on scrapbook or craft stuff. I do this for a few reasons:

* I enjoy working with my hands and I feel 'free' when I am doing something crafty.
* Scrapbook supplies costs much less than clothing - I get more bang for my buck!
* Scrapbook supplies can be used so many ways...
* I tend to shop at Kohl's and not really anywhere else for clothes
* Shopping for clothes is depressing

Anyway, so I was following the boutique for a few months, had never stepped inside their doors and just kept admiring things from a distance. Towards the end of August they announced that they were looking for models for that year.

I read it and thought, "Oh, that would be fun - but I'd never be chosen." So I let it go. Then, the day before the deadline, on much of a whim - I decided to send a few pictures in. These are the pictures I sent:

-- This one was the best picture I had of a full body shot --

Off went the email and I pretty much wrote it off after that. Within a few days I had forgotten all about it.

Fast forward to the night of September 6, 2011 (I only remember the day because it was the day before I heard of  my Grandma's passing) - I am checking my email and see an email from an unknown name with the subject: CONGRATULATIONS.... It didn't get sent to my junk mail, so I decided to open it and see what it was all about.

After opening the email I saw that the actual subject line was: CONGRATULATIONS 2011 SEXYMODEST MODELS!!!!

I was floored. I had totally written the whole thing off and had convinced myself I would DEFINITELY not be chosen. We've discussed before that my self-esteem isn't great. It never has been. I am overweight and don't feel beautiful, so the fact that I was chosen really shocked me.

Again, I've never considered myself to be pretty. My awkward teenage years seemed to last a whole lot longer than other people's. I knew NOTHING about makeup and had to figure out the whole hair styling by myself.  I was thankful for a friend, Jessica, that moved into the neighborhood sometime before high school. She taught me a bunch about makeup and turned the unwanted tom-boy in me into a more feminine version.

While I was thrilled that I was actually chosen to be a model, I was also quite overwhelmed. I wanted to like 'nice' for my pictures, but natural as well. Thankfully, timing being what it was - my wonderful friend, Jobi had just moved back into the neighborhood and had found a job at a salon and had an opening on the Saturday before the big first meeting.

I found the hairstyle I wanted and Jobi got it perfectly. She also spent time explaining what she was doing and I was taking every mental note I could so that I could replicate the style when it came time for it.

In the meantime it was discovered that another friend of mine, Catey, had been chosen to be another model. So we decided to go to our 'mandatory meeting' together. The meeting was short and sweet and just told us what to expect and we signed up for a time for the photo shoot. Because there was 2 slots open for each time frame - Catey and I went together.

I was extremely anxious when the day actually came, though. The night before I had YouTubed makeup tutorials so that I could make my makeup look just a bit better. My hair didn't want to keep it's curl for anything and it also decided to rain. 

I was thankful to have gone with Catey. She had done this modeling thing a couple times before and kinda knew what to expect (she is currently featured on Hapari's website) and that helped me relax a bit more. When we arrived at SexyModest we were outfitted with the look one of the owners thought best suited us. I was pleased with what she chose for me and I even got to wear the necklace I had been eyeing a few nights before. (Sadly, it's not there anymore and I missed my chance to buy it... :( ) Then the photographers took us out and took pictures. I'm somewhat frustrated that even though the guy took like 5 pictures, they only gave me 1. A lot of the other girls had 5 or more, oh well.

Here's me in my first (and possibly last) ever photo shoot:

And here's the video:

All in all I am so thankful for this experience and for what it did for me. The guy who chose the photos (Jason) will probably never know what he did for me in that short period of time, but I will always remember it.

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