Jan 31, 2011

30 Days of Blog Posts: Day 6

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Years before Eric ever entered my life, I had a very small nerdy side - but only when it came to the X-Men cartoon that was on when I was in Jr. High.

I started watching the cartoon because my little brothers were watching it and it was something to occupy my time. Rogue soon became my favorite.

Why you ask. It is because I could relate with her in some ways. I always felt that I couldn't get close to anyone. True, she can't because of her powers...with me, I just felt that getting close to someone meant they would leave. I also loved the accent.

Years later when I met Eric it was just funny that he was such a fan of the X-Men as well. Although he certainly has his favorites as well.

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1 comment:

  1. We loved X-men at my house too-no shame in that right! ;o) I'm glad I wasn't the only nerd-Justin thinks I'm loopy!


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