Oct 29, 2009

Annual Fall Pics

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So in September the kids all got their "Yearly School Photo" taken. I was happy this year to only have to mess with getting one kid ready in the middle of the day and taking them to the school. The other 3 are already in school, so that was wonderful! (And I was lazy, didn't scan them in, just took pictures of pictures, so they aren't the greatest representation.)

And as always, there is always 1 kid whose picture isn't as great as I had hoped for, but oh well. This year it ended up being Nathaniel. He had just woken up from a nap and wasn't his happy normal self, but it all worked out anyhow.

Now hopefully in a few months we can get a "professional" family pic done sometime.

Stay tuned for a few more posts in the coming days about our fun weekend!

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  1. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I a little slow or is this an announcement as well!?!?! I'm so excited for you!


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