Aug 17, 2009

Monday's Meandering Thoughts!!!

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So, for a long while, I've wanted to do some sort of weekly something...I just never came up with the right kind of something. Then yesterday, I happened upon this blog and knew what I would do.

Yes, it's totally "stealing" her idea, but I hope to tweak it a bit. I am just not that creative all on my own!!!

I now introduce: Monday's Meandering Thoughts (Hey, I did "draw the little "banner", that should count as something, right?)


THOUGHT #1: These Photos: Taken without my knowledge (or at least I don't remember knowing they were being taken, either way - thanks, Heather!), but loving it because the love of my life was helping me out without me even asking for the help. He does stuff like that occasionally.

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

THOUGHT #2: Quote of the Week: " Only as we accept the atonement in our lives and strive to live the gospel can we meet the challenges of life and find peace, joy and happiness. Coming to understand this great gift is an individual pursuit for each child of God...If we could truly understand the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, we sould realize how precious is one son or daughter of God." - M. Russell Ballard

THOUGHT #3: Scrapbooked: Did a bunch of little ones like this for Mother In Laws birthday. It actually went over quite well. To see ALL of the layouts go to my blog dedicated to my scrappin'.

THOUGHT #4: Random Thought: So not ready for school to start. It seems the summer didn't last anywhere near long enough! The kids probably need to go back though as they are fighting more and more with each other. It will be interesting to only have Nathaniel with me for 3 hours everyday, but I have some opportunities to babysit the cutest girls ever once in awhile, so I should be fulfilled.

THOUGHT #5: On My Mind: Love is easy, marriage is tough!

That's it for today....Hopefully I can keep this up and it may change as time goes on. Thanks for reading!


  1. I just took those pictures so that you would have proof that Eric can in fact cook. Feel free to remind him of that anytime you don't feel like making dinner. :)

  2. ha ha ha HEather's comment is funny! My mother n law tells me that Enoch knows how to cook.. shoot I haven't seen it yet!! That last picture is GREAT! How cute are you two??


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