Aug 28, 2009

And There Goes Another One...

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Yesterday, Lex started Kindergarten. He was so excited and was literally jumping around all day. He couldn't wait to go. (Perhaps, I should have put him in the AM classes...) All day long he kept asking if it was time to or when we were going to be going. I was so happy that he was so excited! But, like I've said before - Lex gets excited/animated about most things in life.

We were ready at 12:20, so that I could get the classic "school pictures." I love this boy and you can see how excited he was in the first picture.

On the way to school, we stopped and picked up his best friend, Brayden. Sadly, though, Brayden and Lex are in different classes. Lex doesn't mind it too much though, as one of the kids we did the preschool thing with is in his class.

I do have to admit that I got a little teary eyed sending Lex off to school for the 1st day. He was my baby for a good 3 years, and it's weird to have him gone for 3 hours everyday.

Below are some other pics of Lex's 1st day

Did this same pic with Shaylyn, so had to do it with Lex as well.

Heading into class for the first time

After a successful 1st day of school.

Aug 26, 2009

Eric's Surprise!!!!!!!!

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Look at those faces! They were quite pleased with the surprise, me not so much - even though I knew what was coming. I will confess that I was only slightly more pleased when I saw this surprise in person!

And hey, isn't it convenient that my 200th post is something about surprises. Yeah, well it entertained me for all of 5 minutes....

Anyway, here is the surprise:

We have added 3 toads to our family. They are named Mario, Danny & Sam. And each of those names comes from some form of entertainment and each was chosen by one of the kids...

* Lex chose Mario (Mario Bros. Fame) who is the smaller, slightly darker green one
* Shaylyn chose Danny (Danny the Phantom TV Show) who is the big, darker green one
* Tanis chose Sam (Danny the Phantom TV Show) who is is the black one

I was only slightly more pleased because these are tiny little things and not the big frogs I had envisioned in my head when Eric first told me about it. I have to say it's been fun to watch how excited Nathaniel is with them. At least a couple times a day, I have to pull the chair over to the tank, so that he can watch the toads. (And no, the tank is not going to stay on the dishwasher forever...It's just the temporary spot until I can figure out exactly where I want these amphibians)

Tanis has wanted frogs for a very, very long time and we just kept putting if off. I guess we kind of hoped that desire would fade. Well, it never faded completely away... So, when someone at Eric's work offered him the toads, he agreed.

Ah well, at least these critters won't mess up anything in the house...Which is more than I can say for 2 hairy other critters abiding in our abode.

Aug 24, 2009

Monday's Meandering Thoughts

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I really debated about doing this today because I had posted something earlier, but hey it is still Monday and hopefully, you'll still care to check out the previous post...


: THIS PHOTO: Yes, I am aware that it's the picture of the baby's backside and that it isn't even centered...The reason it is such a big thing for me at the moment is this: Last Friday night we were at my parents for a campout/sleepover and while waiting for my nephew who had to be taken to Instacare (he had an infected bite) to return, my kids decided to play "No Bears Are Out Tonight" and "Colored Eggs". If you don't know what either of those games are, I am sorry. You had a deprived childhood. Anyway, as the kids were chasing each other in one of the games, Nathaniel was trying to keep up - that is what this picture is of. It reminds me of just how quickly my little one is growing up...

THOUGHT #2: QUOTE OF THE WEEK: " There are lots of limitations in all of us that we hope our sweethearts will overlook. I suppose no one is as handsome or as beautiful as he or she wishes, or as brilliant in school or as witty in speech or as wealthy as we would like, but in a world of varied talents and fortunes that we can't always command, I think that makes even more attractive the qualities we can command - such qualities as thoughtfulness, patience, a kind word, and true delight in the accomplishment of another. These cost us nothing, and they can mean everything to the one who receives them." - Jeffrey R. Holland

THOUGHT #3: SCRAPBOOKED: Nothing....It's been a bad/crazy/hectic week...

THOUGHT #4: RANDOM THOUGHT: So many times there are things that we hope and wish for only to be brought right back down to humility....And then we turn around and find ourselves thankful that said wish wasn't granted...I'm feeling that way now.

THOUGHT #5: ON MY MIND: Not looking forward to Eric getting home tonight (well, I am looking forward to ERIC getting home, just not what is coming with him)...He is bringing home a surprise for the kids...Not sure I am going to enjoy it (and yes, I know what the surprise is). More on that later...

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

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As everyone already knows or has gathered school has officially begun again. Our kids went back on Thursday the 20th. I am still confused as to why they didn't just wait 2 days and start the kids today, but whatever!

Anyway on Wednesday we were able to go find out who Tanis & Shaylyn had for teachers. They both ended up with teachers new to the school, but both teachers look great and the kids say they like them. (Geez, I even think Lex's teacher is new...)

Shaylyn's teacher is a young girl and when we first walked into the classroom, I was looking for a teacher...It took me a moment to realize the teacher was the young girl with the camera. Shaylyn got her picture taken and was able to choose her own seat. She doesn't have any of her good friends in her class this year, but there are some kids that she knows, so she is okay.

Tanis was very shy to meet his teacher and didn't say a whole lot. He was lucky to find an open seat next to the name "Shay." We took a chance that this was his good friend from last year and he chose to sit next to her. Luckily, it is his good friend from last year and he has now been able to relax a bit.

I feel bad for Lex as he still has to wait until Thursday to start Kindergarten, but I am so glad that he is looking forward to it!

And now, without further ado...the classic 1st day of school pics!

Baby Brother thought he needed a turn too!

Yeah, don't let them fool you...They don't always get along so nicely.

We let Grandma buy the backpacks this year and we didn't quite get them in time for the 1st day of school, but I still had to get a picture of the kids with their NEW backpacks!

Aug 17, 2009

Monday's Meandering Thoughts!!!

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So, for a long while, I've wanted to do some sort of weekly something...I just never came up with the right kind of something. Then yesterday, I happened upon this blog and knew what I would do.

Yes, it's totally "stealing" her idea, but I hope to tweak it a bit. I am just not that creative all on my own!!!

I now introduce: Monday's Meandering Thoughts (Hey, I did "draw the little "banner", that should count as something, right?)


THOUGHT #1: These Photos: Taken without my knowledge (or at least I don't remember knowing they were being taken, either way - thanks, Heather!), but loving it because the love of my life was helping me out without me even asking for the help. He does stuff like that occasionally.

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

THOUGHT #2: Quote of the Week: " Only as we accept the atonement in our lives and strive to live the gospel can we meet the challenges of life and find peace, joy and happiness. Coming to understand this great gift is an individual pursuit for each child of God...If we could truly understand the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, we sould realize how precious is one son or daughter of God." - M. Russell Ballard

THOUGHT #3: Scrapbooked: Did a bunch of little ones like this for Mother In Laws birthday. It actually went over quite well. To see ALL of the layouts go to my blog dedicated to my scrappin'.

THOUGHT #4: Random Thought: So not ready for school to start. It seems the summer didn't last anywhere near long enough! The kids probably need to go back though as they are fighting more and more with each other. It will be interesting to only have Nathaniel with me for 3 hours everyday, but I have some opportunities to babysit the cutest girls ever once in awhile, so I should be fulfilled.

THOUGHT #5: On My Mind: Love is easy, marriage is tough!

That's it for today....Hopefully I can keep this up and it may change as time goes on. Thanks for reading!

90 Years Young!!!

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On Saturday we had the opportunity to celebrate my grandma's 90th birthday with her. True, we didn't get much face time with Grandma as it was a big to-do and she had lots and lots of visitors on her big day, but we had lots of fun with family. (Sidenote: My header has pictures of my grandma as a baby and when she was about 18 on it)

I also got the priviledge of creating a slideshow of her life to show. Well we had a few bumps getting everything to work, but we eventually did (MUCH THANKS TO ERIC & CODY FOR THAT) and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I enjoyed gathering the pictures of her and putting it all together. While doing so I found a few pictures that I just loved! I will share a few...

I like this picture because Grandma (left) looks like she is having lots of fun with her friends.

This one I like because I see a family resemblance. Mostly I see my older brother, but I can see me a bit as well. Grandma is on the bottom right.

I just love the way Grandma is looking at Grandpa. Grandpa is holding child #1.

Grandma telling some kind of story about Grandpa. My Grandpa was Bishop for a number of years and I guess the ward put on a "This Is Your Life" type thing for him.

My Grandpa wasn't a real touchy, feely kind of guy, so I love that this picture exists.

Mission Photo! When I grow up I want to be just like Grandma & Grandpa. ;)
They were released and came home the same year I was born.

At some point after their mission, but before they came home. They served somewhere in California.

After the party we headed to my mom & dad's to play games with my little bro who lives in Wyoming. Any time he comes up - it's game time!

We had a long day, but it was so worth it!

I will leave this post with pictures taken at Grandma's Birthday Party! Oh, and in case you start to wonder - yes, my mommy's family all had to wear red (Each of Grandma's children's families had a certain color to wear) and the numbers we have on represent the # we are in Grandma's descendents. She ended up have 90 descendents on her 90th birthday, cool huh?

You better believe I got a picture with my Grandma. I wish I had more from when I was little.

I'm a sucker for pictures with Eric & his kids.

Towards the end of the night, Nate was getting restless, but as soon as he got a balloon he was in HEAVEN!

Baby Boy & Baby Brother

My Mommy & Her Wild Grandboys

Shaylyn loves Uncle Devin! He is the ONLY one allowed to call her, "Shaylie"!


Sisters with Mommy's Boys


The Fam with Grandma

Aug 10, 2009

What A Chicken!

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This past Saturday we had the opportunity to go to the Bees game with Eric's parents and his brother. This was the day that the San Diego Chicken came. Luckily for us it was his 2nd appearance as we weren't able to go to the 1st game that he came to.

We've been to games before where the Chicken came, but we weren't ever close enough or had a good enough camera to get very good pics. So I was glad I was able to get some that actually look somewhat decent.

We took Nathaniel with us as all our babysitters (a.k.a. my family members) had just gotten back from camping and we weren't sure they'd want to take care of a 1 year old, especially if he had a bad day.

Nathaniel did okay for the most part, but towards the end he was getting tired and just didn't want to sit still any longer. Eric and I were getting stressed as the older kids were also getting whiny (note to self: no sleepovers the night before a Bees game) so we left just a little bit early.

All in all it was still a fun night and the kids had a blast watching the Chicken, if nothing else.

Nate sports the California Angels Wig that has been at Grandma & Grandpa's for a few years...It is reminiscent of the picture below when Lex was about the same age sporting the wig with his Uncle Greg! (And no Nate doesn't have a dirty face, he has war wounds from a few escapades with the cement. Lex also has a sore under his eye as he had tried to glue his eye shut a few days prior)

Nate watching his first ever Bees Game!

Toothless Shaylynnie. She lost 3 of the 4 all within a couple weeks time.

Lex was excited to see the Chicken.

The San Diego Chicken

Voodoo on the opposing team

Beating up the opposing team!

Should I be concerned that these two got such a kick out of violence???

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