Dec 14, 2007

Because I Wanted to Share....

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I ran across this on another blog as well and WANTED to repost it. It is originally a "tagged" thing, but I don't care...It is a tagged thing about the husband, so I wanted to let you all know more.

1. What is his name?
Eric Duane Hardy
2. How long have you been married?

9 Years as of a few weeks ago
3. How long did you date?

We dated for about 2 years through High School before we got married.
4. Who eats more?

It really just depends on the day and what is being served.
5. Who said 'I love you' first?

He did, I wasn't about to say it first!
6. Who sings better?
I dunno, someone else would have to be the judge of that one.
7. Who is taller?
Uh, Eric no contest!
8. Whose temper is worse?

Eh, we both have a temper, but I think Eric's gets worse than mine.
9. Who does the laundry?
Me, I don't think Eric has any idea HOW to do laundry. His expertise is limited to pulling stuff out of the dryer and that's about it.
10. Who does the dishes?
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Me, yet again.
12. Who does the cooking?
I win again! And once again, Eric has limited expertise. He has made Mac & Cheese a couple times...
13. Who is more stubborn?

14. Who proposed?

15. Who is more likely to admit when they are wrong?

16. Whose parents do you see the most?

Probably his, but that's just cause we usually have Sunday dinner with them weekly.
17. Who pays the bills?

I pay some and Eric pays some
18. Who wears the pants in the family?

Neither one of us really. We are fairly laid back and both have a say in most things.
19. Why do you love your husband?
For so many reasons. He is very patient with me as I am so very emotional. He knows what I need most of the time even if I don't say anything. He will call me just to see what's going on. He is very considerate of my feelings and always makes sure I am okay with him doing stuff. He will let me sleep in on the weekends and tries to keep the kids away so I can do so. If I am sick, he will stay home and take care of the kids and a sick wife. He works hard so that I am able to stay home with our kids. He is just amazing. "You know exactly what I'm going to say before my mouth even makes a sound and that's why we make a good you & me.....We both laugh at the most random situations, that's the key. Baby, don't you agree?"

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