I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and that you will enjoy your New Year!
Some positive did come out of my Grandma being sick though. I took the opportunity to go visit my dad's parents - Eric & I don't usually get to their house around Christmas - and tell them Merry Christmas. It felt good to be able to do so.
I also got a gift on Christmas Eve. Eric really put thought into it. He got me a locket with an image of a mother & child on the front. He even went as far as getting his mom to email him the pictures she took of us and the kids during our "photo shoot" and he printed them off and put them in it. Talk about tears falling everywhere!
Later that night we headed back to my parents for gifts and games. The kids got spoiled AGAIN by all their aunts & uncles and by Grandma & Grandpa. I really love being part of a large family, though it can get a bit wild & crazy. It was also so much fun to see my little brother who lives in Wyoming.
Here's the story of how our holidays went down...
Eric's dad got tickets to a BYU Bowl game that was to take place in Las Vegas. They had a place to stay in St. George, so they didn't have to drive too terribly far. Friday, the 21st, noon time finds me dropping Eric off at a gas station around our home for his dad to pick him up. We actually all arrived at the same time, so there wasn't any waiting. We sent Eric off with goodbyes and a hug and a very hopeful heart that Sunday would come quickly.
Eric's dad was very generous and gave the kids and I some money to do what ever we felt like doing with it. I had to head to Wal-Mart to pick up a couple last minute gifts that Eric just got too busy to think about. I really hate going anywhere with all the kids because they get rowdy fast! However, I was able to get them lunch at the McDonald's inside the store with some of the money and that seemed to stem the tide from the older two at least.
We then headed home so that I could finish up the calendars for my grandparents (by the way the finished layouts are now posted on the website) and wait around for most of the night to meet up with my parents who would be dropping off my little brother to stay with me for the weekend.
Around 8 at night, I decided I was hungry and my parents would probably be about an hour from finishing up what they were doing. So the kids and I headed to Subway. We had been sitting for probably 5 minutes when they called and said they were done and said they were probably about 20 minutes away from meeting up with me. So once again I headed to the same gas station I had been at earlier to wait from my family. It wasn't too long of a wait and we came back home for the night.
Sunday morning did come fairly quickly and Eric arrived home around 11. He was so tired, but had gotten little gifts for all of us. They were all from M&M World as I really highly doubt there was anything "taste worthy" anywhere else he may have visited. He brought Tanis some dominoes, Shaylyn a pair of earring with the green M&M on it AND butterflies. Lex received a couple of balls. As for me, I got a nightshirt that says "I Don't Do Mornings" with the green M&M on it. Eric knows me all so well. ;)
I had to sub a Sunbeam class and give the Christmas lesson. I am so glad there were only 4 kids. I forget how wild 4 year olds can be...AHHHHH!!!!!! But it is always nice to hear the Christmas Story "dumbed" down for kids. I also had the opportunity to hear a great story about the candy cane in Sharing Time. I forget the name of the book, but I will track it down. It literally brought tears to my eyes. I don't even know if it was a "church" book, but it meant that much to me.
Christmas Eve came and I was a little depressed about it. Ever since I can remember we have spent Christmas Eve at my Mother's Mother's home. There has never been a year that we haven't done this - except for this year. My grandma had gotten sick and still wasn't feeling real well. I think it was a difficult choice for her to make and for some of us to handle, but she didn't want to make anyone else sick.
My mom decided that she would do the same thing at her house for her family that we would have done at my grandma's - this meant soup and rolls for dinner AND a program. Bless my mom's heart, she did a great job. My older sister also did fantastic as she had to figure out how to get my kids involved in telling the Christmas Story. Pictures are the kids telling the story.
Before we ever left for Christmas Eve things, I carried on a tradition my parents (or more so my mom) carried on. The kids got 1 gift and it was pajamas. Now, my mom always made the pajamas so the girls matched and the boys matched, but I never took up sewing, so my kids had to have store bought.
Christmas Morning we took our time opening gifts and prepared to head to Eric's parents at 2. We had a good time at his parents house, but it is so different than my parents house. Eric only has two brothers and one is in Washington and doesn't really come down for Christmas often. So that left his one single brother, his parents and his "adoptive" mother. Very quiet, but so much fun. Eric's parents totally spoiled the kids and they had lots of fun!
This past Friday my Dad decided to have a "Sleep-Over" party. Talk about fun! Especially since it was my Dad's idea. Eric wasn't feeling very well, so he came back home after dinner, but the kids and I stayed and had lots of fun. We played 80's Trivial Pursuit and then some of us played Rock Band - we got my Mom to play the drums. So much fun!
By about 1:00 in the morning we decided to play another game (can't think of it at the moment) and about 15 minutes into it, Sleeping Alexander starts throwing up! This stresses me out tons. I give him a bath while my mom and sister clean up everything else. This effectively ended the game. We all decided to head to bed and I don't sleep well. (#1 - I am worried my kid will puke again, #2 - my brothers decided to play Rock Band and didn't keep it very quiet)
Lex is awake again around 7:30 and wants a drink. (He made it all night without throwing up again, so I give in) I give him some 7-Up and we lay back down for a bit. Around 8 he wants a little bit more, so I give him more...Within minutes he is puking again...
This does nothing for my stress, so we eat breakfast and I decide to get ready and head back home. We get home around 1 in the afternoon and just take it easy. This little stinker never throws up again...I am thankful for that, but wow...What a night.
As for tonight, we are headed to see National Treasure! Yeah...Nicolas Cage is another one of those old men that I still think is good looking!
Sorry for the novel. Hope your weekends were fun like ours!