May 2, 2015

April's Adventures

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And here's what happened the rest of April...

We start off with Tarzan. For some reason I decided to introduce Jace to the movie. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but it quickly became his favorite. He doesn't go a day without watching it now.

Next up was an adventure in sewing. 

My mother in law sewed a lot of holiday themed shirts for my father in law. He was so proud of them and wore them with pride. After he passed away my mother in law couldn't bring herself to just throw the shirts out, but also wasn't sure what to do with them.

For Christmas, her good friend made her a beautiful quilt using the Christmas shirts. But that left other shirts still hanging around.

One day on Facebook I ran across a link to something called a memory pillow and I felt that it would be a good way to make use of the shirts. Of course, I don't really sew so I'd need some help. I sent my mother in law the link to what I had found and she also thought it would be a good way to use the shirts.

She purchased 13 or 14 little pillows and she then cut out the amount of fabric we'd need from the shirts. We were able to get 2 pillows out of each shirt which meant that all my kids and Eric and I got one. My mother in law kept a couple for herself. 

After a quick sewing lesson on her serger and her sewing machine I went to town. I was so excited to be able to do something like this and though the project took most of an afternoon, it was so worth it. This was our finished result. (Minus the ones my MIL kept. Hers weren't quite done as she could do hers on her own time)

And if you aren't sick of hearing about braces, here's some more. So when Shaylyn went in for her consultation - Eric took her. He took care of all the payment, etc. So I figured they knew that Shaylyn wanted shaped brackets. I took her to get them on originally and it didn't even occur to me to double check that they were giving her heart shaped brackets.

Well they didn't. So the next appointment I talked with the orthodontist and explained the issue and he said, "No problem. Let's get them on now." Only to discover they didn't have enough hearts. So he said he'd order them and we'd put them on at her next appointment. And that's just what we did. She now has hearts on the 6 front top teeth (that's the only place they have shaped ones for).

Most little kids get attached to their blankets and carry their blankets around with them. My kid? He carries his pillows around with him. Yup, pillowS - plural. Thankfully they're small pillows, but it's still a handful for the kid.

The very next day he discovered a new use for his pillows. He's a little too smart, this one.

There are times you see things as a mother that just melt your heart. This next picture is one such thing. I think I'll treasure this picture for a long time to come. My oldest and my youngest snuggled up together. Tanis is an awesome big brother and Jace learned that quickly. These little kids really look up to their big brother and know they can count on him when they need him.

I had to snap this picture quickly before Tanis woke up.

Rounding out the month is Jace again. Just recently Jace has taken to 'wearing' my foot gear. It's pretty funny to watch him try to get my 'shoes' on and then walk around in them. At least it's not high heels. 

1 comment:

  1. they make shaped brackets for braces now! man we are behind the times!


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