Mar 29, 2014

Pinewood Derby 2014

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The Pinewood Derby couldn't have come at a worse time for our family. Eric is still battling his dizziness and his world is almost always still spinning. He has to be careful what he does or he loses his balance quickly or gets sick.

Cutting a car out for Lex wasn't going to be an easy task. Eric decided the easiest thing he could do was a wedge shape. I was extra nervous watching Eric cut it out as he really wasn't feeling that great, but he did it and Lex had his wedge shape that he could race.

Lex went about sanding it and painting it. He decided he was going to do a Minecraft car and he wanted a creeper on it. Now Shaylyn probably could've painted a good looking creeper on it, but Lex wanted one from his book printed out to put on his car.

I told him to paint it and I'd take care of putting the creeper on it. I scanned the picture in, printed it off, mod podged it onto the painted car and then I sprayed the whole car with my sealer that I do all my projects in. It ended up looking pretty good and from far away you couldn't tell it was a picture.

The race had each car race in 3 heats, one time in each lane. I took a video of each race and complied it to the below video. I also disabled the audio of the boys cheering each other on, it was kind of loud.

For the record, the Batmobile was a car one of the leader's made. I think he purposely made it so that it was slow and I don't know if he followed the 'rules' or not, but it was awesome that he made a car to race so that the boys didn't feel so bad and none of the boys would be the biggest loser.

Lex was okay that he didn't win, he was just happy his car seemed to do better than last year. He was also extra happy that Grandma Shirley happened to be at our house that night and was able to come see him race.

He ended up getting the award for the CREEPIEST CAR.

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