Sep 26, 2011

The Greatest Show On Earth

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A few months ago Eric's Dad asked us about going to the circus. Eric and I weren't extremely thrilled, but knowing that the kids would enjoy it - we said we'd go.

The day came last Friday. The kids and I left the house just before 5 to go pick up Eric from the Trax station. I don't enjoy driving downtown and pretty much refuse to do so, so it meant we had to pick Eric up.

We got to the event center and had to wait about a half hour for the doors to open. We were actually that early for once in our lives. The kids had fun running around crazy outside while we waited.

We got inside and walked all the way around the stupid building, just to realize we then had to walk up the steps to get to our seats. I was nervous as I don't do well with heights - and apparently neither does Tanis - , but was relieved when I found out that instead of going up more steps and being in the very topmost nosebleeds we ended up in the first row of nosebleeds, which meant we actually went down a few steps.

Because we were so early we were able to watch the preshow. There was a LOT going on and TONS of people down on the floor. It was the epitome of why I hate circus'. Okay, truth be told - I've only been to a circus one time before. That was a 3 ring circus and totally chaotic. I HATED it and vowed I'd never go to a circus again.

I was more than thrilled to learn that The Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey Circus doesn't really do the whole 3 ring thing. When they do have 3 rings out it is similar acts going on - except for the preshow. During the actual show the 3 rings were only used for the horses and jugglers. I was so pleased.

We had a great time and here's a few of the pics from the night:

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