Feb 28, 2010

My Luck to My World and Lucky Me to Hares Luv

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So last weekend we celebrate my paternal grandma's 80th birthday. It wasn't anything extravagant and the party was just held at her home. I never know what to get this grandma. Not because she is necessarily picky, but because I don't know her quite as well as I probably should. But, in my defense we didn't really ever do a whole lot with my dad's family growing up. We spent every other Thanksgiving with them and went to their house every Christmas day, and the very occasional Sunday visit, but that was pretty much the extent of it. And when we did go to Grandma's my cousin Heather was usually there, so I spent all of my time with her.

Anyway, so because I don't know my grandma very well I struggle with gift giving. As I was looking around for an idea I ran across
this. I decided it was something I could do for her at very little cost as well. Plus, I enjoy doing stuff like this.

This is how Grandma's blocks turned out:

I decided to do one for St. Patrick's Day and then the other side she could keep out the rest of the year.

Now, I couldn't just make a set for my grandma. I HAD to have a set for me as well. So I took the rest of the week getting mine together. (Not that it is that difficult, life was just crazy this week, so I did a bit at a time.)

This is how mine turned out:

I really wanted to have younger pics of the kids since I have other things in the house showcasing current pics. I also decided that I may try to make a few sets so that I have a set for each holiday...we'll see how that goes.

While searching through to find the gift idea, I ran across an idea to do a craft club thing once a month....I was wondering if anyone would be interested in that? We could start by making these blocks that I just showed and the cost would be very minimal...I am thinking even under $5 as the supplies for these really aren't expensive at all.

Anyway, if anyone would be interested let me know in a comment.

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