Feb 23, 2010

... I Gave In ...

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Saturday night we headed out to the valley to my parents. My little brother left some items here when he slept over the weekend before so we were returning them.

The plan was that Eric & I were going to play games with my dad and little brother. Well, my little sister happened to be at my parents as well since her hubby got called out of town on business.

Little sister (going a bit hog wild, since this is her first little girl) decided that she really wanted to return to JC Penney to get some cute baby clothes she saw earlier in the day. (I am still unsure as to why she didn't get anything earlier). So, she eventually convinced my mom to go with her and asked if I wanted to go as well. After getting the okay from Eric (along with "Don't Spend Any Money..."), we headed out.

Now, I've been holding off on getting any clothes for this new baby for 2 main reasons. #1: I know that we had quite a bit for Shaylyn and I have just been too lazy to go through the hassle of getting them all out and #2: I'm a doubty mustafa (I love Aladdin) and still can't believe this baby is a girl at times...

So we walk in the store and I finally gave in and bought this little girl 2 new outfits. They were having a HUGE sale, so that was one reason and there were just a couple things I thought were so cute.

Item #1:

Now I got this one for sentimental type reasons. Ever since I was little my parents have called me "Bug" and always associated it with a lady bug - so I HAD to get that outfit.

Item #2:

Okay, yellow is one of my fave colors. And I was thinking of Baby Girl's big sister Shaylyn who absolutely LOVES butterflies. I knew at least Shaylyn would think it was a cute outfit. Plus, who can resist cute little pictures on the bum?

So that is all I bought and only spent $20. Not bad at all. And hubby wasn't too upset with me either. He didn't really care about the outfits (after all he is a guy and he is also aware of the amount of clothing Shaylyn had as a baby), but Shaylyn was thrilled with the cute little butterfly one.

I guess I should add that my little sister bought the same two outfits for her baby as well, along with some other items. We did it kind of on purpose. We will be able to get a pic of the little girls in the lady bug outfit together, but not the yellow butterfly.

Since my baby is due first, I purposely got a smaller butterfly outfit and a bigger ladybug outfit. Little sister bought a bigger butterfly outfit and a smaller ladybug outfit. Yeah, I guess we are going a little crazy having babies together - but it's so much fun!

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  1. They're still soooo cute..and for your info..baby girl doesn't have that much stuff yet....so I can go hog wild! Hehe

  2. Sounds like a fun and productive outing!! :) :) I love baby clothes shopping, too!

  3. It is so much fun! Little girl clothes are the bestest!


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