Jul 23, 2009

Number 9

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Yesterday was Tanis' 9th birthday.

I am still amazed at how quickly 9 years has gone by. It's still weird to think of him as being 9 and heading into 4th grade.

Tanis had the opportunity to spend the night before in Park City with his aunt, so yesterday afternoon found us travelling to West Valley to pick him up from my mom's. He had fun in Park City and I was so happy to have him back home. I really missed him - even though he was only gone 1 day...

After leaving my mom's we stopped for lunch at a KFC/A&W. I was sick from Saturday - Monday and because it was an infection in my throat, it was difficult to eat anything, so I ate very little those days. Thus, when Tuesday came around and it was lunch time, I was starving! We had a good lunch, even though birthday boy didn't really eat any of his. (I later found out he had a cancer sore, and it made sense why he didn't eat).

After lunch we headed back out our way and stopped at the store on the way home. I had items I needed to get and Tanis had to pick out his presents. He decided since we let Lex do it, that he should do it as well.

Tanis decided he wanted an iPod. Well, I knew that was definitely out of the budget, but I told him we would go see what they had and see if anything was in the budget. Well, we found an mp3 player that was in the budget and he was pleased by it.

He still had some money left over after his mp3 player so we next headed to the toys. We found the little Star Wars action figures that he absolutely loves and he was able to get 2 packs of those.

So then I start doing the shopping I needed to do. We pass by the boy clothes and Tanis turns into that section and says to me, "I can't get pajamas, huh?" This is the phrase he uses all the time when he wants something but is afraid he will be told, "no."

I told him that he actually could get a pair of pajamas, but then he couldn't have the action figures. He took a moment to decide and then decided on the pajamas. It was even more convenient that the pj's he chose have the same theme as his desired birthday party theme this year.
Tanis is the best helper to me ever. He is always asking if there is anything he can do for me. Or he will ask if I am feeling tired or whatnot and then he'll ask what he can do so I don't have to do it. He is good to take care of his baby brother for a minute here and there when I need the extra help.

Tanis is so sweet to everyone he meets and tries so hard to be a peacemaker. The other day one of his friends was upset about something and he said, "I'll go calm her down." He is sweet like that.

And after witnessing this scene for a good part of the night, last night,

I've decided Tanis definitely takes after me.
Happy Birthday 9 year old! I look forward to this weekend when we have Tanis' parties.


  1. What a sweet boy! I've debated getting Eliza an MP3 player since last Christmas. I bet Tanis just loves his!

  2. Rebecca was sad to miss the party we were out of town and we got home just after 2. Sorry.


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