Aug 25, 2008

Blast From the Past...

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So, a family member of mine (Ashley) posted this on her blog and I decided to follow suit...

1952 - Totally thinking it resembles Carole Burnett...Not thinking I like it so much...

1956 - Just Okay...

1960 - Could totally be my mother's High School picture (even though she was only like 4 in this year...) I never thought I looked much like my mom, until now...

1966 - Liking the whole bouffant look...IF (and that's a big IF) I ever cut my hair short, I would probably do something similar to this style...

1968 - Another look I guess I could pull off, if I ever wanted to try it...

1978 - Look at me with a 'fro... Hahaha...This is something that would never happen...Even if I WANTED to pull this look off, I couldn't - my hair is too thin...

1994 - Too bad my hair wasn't this long back in those days...I could've rocked this style... But, no, in 9th grade I was sporting the style that was growing out from my 'boy bob' that I got in 6th grade...

1998 - Just have to laugh cause I have a very similar picture of me in that time period...Hmm, can I find it? (Looking through computer files...) And, voila!


  1. Hilarious! And fun!! If I had myself a blog, I'd totally do this, too! :) :)

    P.S. I think you look really good in 1966. That one is my favorite!

  2. Fun! I love how similar 1998 really is!


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