Oct 1, 2014

Center Of The Galaxy

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I have a love/hate relationship with YouTube. Sadly, most of our kids spend way too much time on it and watch the most ridiculous videos. However, once in awhile - I see that my kids are using YouTube for good causes. (Ailey usually does with her Nerdy Nummies obsession) Shaylyn just so happened to be the kiddo that this post is about.

We were sitting at Eric's moms house and because Shaylyn is a pre-teen, there are times being at Grandma's can be a little boring (even though Grandma has tons of stuff to keep the kids occupied). So on this particular day she was searching YouTube for DIY's. She came across a galaxy diamond painting thing that she really wanted to do for her friend's birthday.

Her best friend is obsessed with the galaxy print that I suppose is all the rage these days and so she thought it would be a good gift. After watching the video, I agreed and told Shaylyn I'd get the things she needed before her friends birthday.

Next thing I knew it was getting close to her friends party, so I went and got the things she needed and then I let Shaylyn do her thing.

I tried to help her out, but being the artistic being that she is, she wanted to do her own thing - although she did listen to a few pointers I gave her.

This is her finished product:

(Colors aren't quite this dark - just edited that way)

It was beautiful and her friend absolutely loved it.

So proud of my little arteest!

You can see the video Shaylyn followed here.

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