Oct 6, 2010

In Case You Were Wondering Wednesday

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Week Four! I think this is the best I've done on my 'weekly entries.' Eh, scratch that.... I had this post started yesterday (Wednesday) and then got distracted with a few projects and Parent Teacher Conferences, yada, yada, yada. Then I ran away to book club and didn't return home until 1:00 in the morning. (Yeah, I'll be feeling that later)

Anyway, here we go.


1. How old are you? 30

2. When did you get married? When I was 19

3. How old is your spouse? 30

4. Where did you get married? At a stake center

5. Did you in-laws help in the wedding plans? Yes

6. Were any in-laws in your wedding? Yes

7. Do they remember your anniversary? I think so

8. Do they know it? If they remember it, than I think they know it...

9. Did they come to your wedding? Yes

10. Do they remember you on your birthday? Yup

11. What was the last gift you received from them? For my birthday, I don't remember. But I got a nice big pot and a nice skillet after Ailey was born. (Early Christmas...hehehe)

12. What was the worst? I don't think I ever got anything I didn't appreciate

13. Do you have kids? Yup - 5

14. Do they remember their birthdays? Yes

15. Do you visit your in-laws? Most every Sunday

16. Do you in-laws live close to you? Nope.

17. Do you enjoy spending time with them? Yes

18. Do you go shopping with your MIL? Occasionally, yes

19. Do you do lunch together? Only when we are already out shopping

20. Do you in-laws make problems? Nope

21. Do they talk about you? Probably, but I doubt it's in a bad way

22. Do they include you in family events? Yes

23. Do they tell you they LOVE you? Yup

24. Do you ever just want to get away from them? Nope

25. Have any of them been in jail? Nope

26. Have you ever had words with an in-law? Nope

27. Do you trust your in-laws? Yes

28. Would you give them a key to your home? Yup

29. Do they treat you nice? Yes

30. Does your spouse take their side or yours? He doesn't need to take sides

31. Do you argue with your spouse because of your in-laws? Nope

32. Do you know your MIL's birthday? Yup, August 11

33. Do you know your FIL's birthday? Yes, May 14

34. Are they clean people? Yes

35. What kind of house do they live in? A nicer one than mine

36. Would you let them watch your children? Yes, and they have on many occasions

37. Have they called you names? Not to my face

38. How do they treat your spouse? He is their baby so he is pretty spoiled

39. Do they work? Yup, they both have very full time jobs

40. Do they knock on your door or just come in? Knock, unless they've already arrived and just had to run to the car for various reasons - then they'll just come in.

41. Does your MIL tell you how to clean your house? Nope

42. Does your MIL tell you how to raise your kids? No. She just gives her thoughts when we ask.

43. Are you happy with your in-laws? Yes

44. What kind of emails do they send you? Mostly just asking how we are, occasionally a forward, sometimes pictures of the kids

45. Does your spouse visit them with or without you? Both, but I'm welcome anytime. Sometimes he is just out and about and in the area when I'm not with him.

46. Would you care if they read your answers? Nope

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