May 30, 2014

On To Bigger And Better Things

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I knew the day was coming fast, but it came faster than I wanted it to.

Shaylyn had 6th grade promotion. She is officially out of Elementary School. While she and I are both super excited about all the fun opportunities Jr. High has for her - I'm still sad that this girl is growing up so quickly.

I left Tanis home with all the kids but Jace and got to the Elementary School. I wasn't as early as I hoped, but still ended up in an aisle seat so I wasn't too upset. Eric had taken his car to the shop and had to rely on his buddy getting him to the shop only to discover his car wasn't quite ready.

So, Eric was slightly late - but he made it in time for the important things.

The night started off with a surprise for all 3 of us. Shaylyn got the Presidental Fitness award! She was one of very few girls who did. There are 2 different types of the Presidental Fitness awards that they award - one is just measured on the athletic ability the other is both athletic and academic. Because our child had trouble turning in homework, she was awarded the one based only on athletic ability. We were still so proud of her.

After awhile it was time for the actual 'diploma'. 

After the program was over it was time for refreshments and visiting. I took this time to get a picture of Shaylyn with her teacher.

Yes, she did have the same teacher Tanis did. I was happy with that. This guy really sees the potential in all kids and told us quite often how much he loved having Shaylyn in his class. She was great to help others with Math and he enjoyed having intellectual type conversations with her.

...Friends since Kindergarten...

Then I made sure to take the same pictures I took of Tanis...

Shaylyn is growing up to be a very wonderful young woman. I am proud to be her mother and I'm thankful that she is a part of my family.

Here's to Jr. High! EEK!

May 29, 2014

The Mini Cap & Gown

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As silly as I think it is for the Kindergarten to have a 'Graduation', it sure is cute.

Nathaniel was so stinkin' excited for the program and kept reminding me that he had a program at the school coming up. We lucked out and it was held on a Wednesday which meant that Eric could join us since he works from home on Wednesdays. I was thankful he was there so he could hold Jace and keep Ailey settled while I tried to record the songs they sang.

However, because I hadn't transferred Shaylyn's play off of the memory card from the day before - I could only get bits of pieces of each song.

After they had performed all the songs, they called each kid down one by one and gave them their certificate and then paused for a second so parents could get a picture of their kid with the principal and the teacher.

The kids were then given the freedom to go home for the rest of the day. But before we left, we got some pictures of our newest graduate.

Then little sister wanted a picture too. I was so happy when I saw them grab hands and saw their great big smiles.

Congrats, Nate!

A Whole Lotta Sass

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For Ailey's birthday, Grandma H. gave her the cutest little outfit. She had called me when she was shopping and tried to explain it to me asking for my opinion. All she had to say was purple and polka dots and I was sold. I had no idea how cute the outfit really was until Ailey received it for her gift.

I figured Nate's 'Graduation' was a perfect time to wear it for the 1st time. I asked her to pose at the school after Nate's Graduation - but the lighting wasn't terribly terrific.

So then I decided that I'd take some photos when we got home. Well, by that time Ailey was all sass. She made me laugh.

Oh how I love my Sassy little girl. That little guy next to her has pretty much won my heart as well. Thanks again for the absolutely adorable outfit, Grandma!

May 28, 2014

It's All Wrong!

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For a few days Shaylyn had been talking about a script she was writing, and then it turned out that other friends were also writing scripts. I was getting all sorts of confused as she started talking about so and so getting this part and so and so got that part. Then she says that so and so's Mom was going to print off the scripts.

Yeah, I was not following what was going on at all. I thought her and her friends were just keeping themselves entertained and was like, 'Okay, whatever.' But as it turns out - it was all a project for school. Then it all made much more sense. I read through the script that was the 'winner' and it seemed very confusing to me - until I saw the actual performance. Then it made perfect sense.

Here's the video. And there's so much background noise it's insane. I couldn't believe how disrespectful these 6th graders were of their peers and I was more shocked that the teachers didn't do more to stop all the random chatter. So beneath the video I have the script written out. Enjoy!

And I may be a little biased, but Shaylyn's group had one of the better written plays and they were some of the better performers.



NARRATOR: It was a hot day in Hollywood, California. Four actresses and a director were supposed to be filiming a dramatic TV show. It might not end up like you expect it to...

HEATHER: No! No! Cut! That was terrible! Jess, darling, you need to show more struggle. You are being kidnapped, not falling off your bed. Now get back on your mark. Scene one: take five. Action!

CAROL: Bella honey! Lights out! It's almost midnight.

JESS: Okay. Just let me finish my report.

CAROL: Okay. Hurry.

(Bella gets up and turns off the light)

(Kidnapper walks into room and puts hand over Bella's mouth)

(Muffled scream)


WHITNEY: Okay. Just one quick question though.

HEATHER: Yes, darling. What is it?

WHITNEY: I was just wondering when our lunch break is. It's almost 4:30 and we haven't eaten at all yet.

HEATHER: Soon. We just need to finish up a few more scenes. Now Jess, this scene takes place the next morning. You are waking up, looking tired. Action!

(Bella wakes up)

JESS: Whatever you do, I will get back to my mom!

RO: Yeah, right. You are a naiive little 12 year old. There is no way you'll even get upstairs.

JESS: I can do more than you think. And how do you know how old I am?

RO: You would be surprised at what I know.

JESS: Have you been watching me? You're a stalker! You should be put in a mental instutition you freak!

RO: You are so naiive. You better get used to people. I am perfectly normal. Anyway, I am going to make me some breakfast. And you don't get any because of what you said.

JESS: What? Why not?

RO:  Teaches you to think before you speak.

HEATHER: Cut! That was great. Now let's get to the scene where Bella's mom goes into her room the next morning.

CAROL: Bella! Sweetie! Wake up. You are going to be late for school.

(Opens door)

CAROL: Bella! Where are you? Oh, no! She's gone.

(Pulls out cell phone and dials 911)

CAROL: Hello? Yes. My daughter is missing. She was in her room last night but now she isn't anywhere to be found. And her computer is on. She always turns it off before going to bed. Please! Help me find my daughter!

HEATHER: Cut! Great Carol. Now we have two scenes left to film and then we will take a lunch break. On your marks! Action!

JESS: She's gone. Good. I have to get out of here. Great. Zip ties! This should be easy.

(Breaks through zip ties)

JESS: Thank you YouTube.


(Door opens)

JESS: Shoot. I knew I should have gone through the window well. Oh well, I'll just go back down.

(Door slams loudly)

(Runs down the stairs)

RO: Hey! Are you trying to escape? Not on my watch!

(Window breaks)

JESS: Hey. I think I know this neighborhood. Where's my phone? Ow! Crap! My leg hurts. I have to get back to my mom.

JESS: Mom! You need to get me to the hospital. I think I broke an arm and leg escaping from the kidnappers house.

CAROL: Okay. I'm just glad you're safe. Get in the car.

HEATHER: Cut! Great. Now let's take a lunch break. Meet at stage six in twenty minutes.


NARRATOR: We return after the lunch break. Now is when things start to get a little out of hand...

HEATHER: Okay. Is everyone here? Ro? Jess? Carol? Whitney?

WHITNEY: Yes. We are all here. Now can we move along? I have another audition to get to.

HEATHER: Now don't you use that tone with me. As far as I'm concerned, we will stay here until we are done filming this episode.

JESS: Yeah, Whitney. Show some respect.

(Ro and Jess giggle)

HEATHER: Okay. Be quiet! We are at the scene where Bella comes in with a wheel chair. Whitney, you are the main doctor who is assigned to take care of Bella.

WHITNEY:  Got it.

HEATHER: Okay. Get on your marks, action!

CAROL: Dr. Reynolds! We have a patient who claims she's just been kidnapped. We need to run an x-ray over her right arm and left leg. Her mother thinks they might be broken.

WHITNEY: Get her into a room. The x-ray can wait. Go call 911 so they can get a description...

(Over speakerphone) Dr. Reynolds, you have a patient waiting for yo in the waiting room. Dr. Reynolds...

WHITNEY: Crap. I'm going to need you to take care of this one. I will be back as soon as I can.

CAROL: On it!

WHITNEY: Hi. My name is Doctor Reynolds. I hear you are having pain in your left leg. May I aske what may have hap....You're a mime. This can't be good. Okay. Are you good at drawing or reenacting things?


(Mime draws what 'happened')

WHITNEY: Okay. You got on your imaginary motorcycle, fell off, and the imaginary motorcycle fell on top of your leg. That seems reasonable. Dr. Laub! We need to get her to an x-ray room A.S.A.P!

CAROL: But we have another patient that came in before her that may have been kidnapped! Shouldn't we take care of her first?

WHITNEY: What? Are you stupid? We need to take care of the mime! The kidnapped girl can wait! Now get the mime an x-ray, NOW!

CAROL: Okay, fine. You're so bossy.

WHITNEY: Excuse me? This is a hospital! Of course I am bossy! First of all, I am your boss. And second of all, it saves lives!

CAROL: Okay!

WHITNEY: Wait! Cut! This is not working! This episode is supposed to be a dramatic story about a young kidnapped girl! Not a comedy with a mime faking an injury!

HEATHER: I added in a little bit of humor to make the episode less boring. I read through the other script last night and I almost fell asleep twice. I made some small readjustments. Nothing too big. I can only imagine watching it. Snooze!

WHITNEY: Nothing too big? What are you talking about? You changed the whole point of the story.

JESS: I agree with Whitney. The story is caught totally off guard.

HEATHER: Ro, do you agree with them? Does my version stink?

RO: No way! I agree with you. The other version of the story stunk.

HEATHER: I am glad somebody likes my idea. If you don't appreciate the hard word that I do for this set and everyone on it, then you can get off of my stage!

WHITNEY: Are you crazy? Ro is the worst actress here and you know it. Are you willing to risk everything for a little disagreement?

HEATHER: Yes. But it isn't everything. I can always hire another cast. Now get off my stage!

(Ro and Heather giggle)


NARRATOR: Now we come back one year later to see how things are going with the cast. Whitney ended up being casted for a new soap opera. Carol and Jess lived happily every after with their husbands and children. And Heather and Ro, well, let's just say things didn't end well for them...

(Cops chase Ro and Heather)

May 27, 2014


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It was Memorial Day and though we had tried to make plans, it wasn't happening. Eric wasn't sure if his Mom might want him around and how long she might need his company. I wasn't sure if I should let Eric and his Mom do their own thing and I stay with my family or what. We really had no idea what was happening. So we got ready to go and went from there.

Eric gave his mom a call when we were leaving the house and asked what she'd like him to do. I don't know how the conversation went, but Eric got off the phone and said his mom was acting odd. So we decided it'd be best if Eric went to his Mom's and they could go to the cemetary alone and the kids and I went to my parents.

My parents were heading back from visiting my grandmother's grave, so the kids and I waited in the house for them. When they arrived, Jace and his 3 month younger cousin Emery had a great time being together.

The "Twinners" also had some fun together being sassy...

We decided we'd better start our walk to the cemetary and we were off. The kids all did great and Tanis was a super helper. With Eric not with us and us having 2 stroller (One for Jace, one for Ailey), Tanis pushed whichever stroller was less weight at any given moment. Uncle Cody was also a trooper and when Nate got tired, he gave him a piggy back ride. Thanks again, Cody.

It was a super nice day and super hot, so the kids were all pretty worn out when we got to the cemetary and they all took shade where they could find it.

We spent some time visiting my grandpa and cousins gravesites.

My little sister then asked where Eric's dad was buried and it occurred to me that she had stayed back at the church babysitting Jace, when we had the funeral. So she walked with me the short distance between where my cousin and grandpa are to where Eric's dad is buried. I really like that they are all buried so close together.

So my sister and I are at the grave and she asks if I want a picture. I told her I was just going to get one with the kids, but after a quick second I decided that yes, I would like a picture.

About this time I text Eric to see what he's up to and where he's at. He had gotten a bit distracted and found himself at a game store fairly close by and said he'd meet us at the cemetary shortly. So while my family was getting ready to head back to my mom's, I had my kids hang around with me and I took the pictures I had planned on taking all along - although in the beginning I space getting the headstone in the photo.

Eric got to the cemetary just as my family was starting to leave. We took a few minutes as a family to sort of gather our emotions. I was holding myself together pretty well, until Ailey said, "My Grandpa's dead." in a angry/sad kind of tone. That's when I lost it. This poor little girl really misses one of her best friends and that's when my heart aches the most.

When we got ourselves pulled back together we headed back to my parents house. It was time for food. We had lots of yummy choices to choose from and ate till we were stuffed. My sisters and I helped clean up and then while we were visiting we decided to take the little littles outside for some fresh air and they loved it.

Then we decided to head over to the school to play Ultimate Frisbee and the little kids could play on the playground. I decided it was the perfect time to go as Jace was super tired and he might just fall asleep in a quiet house. (Eric, my dad and Tanis stayed behind to play a game)

So we were off to the school and the kids wasted no time getting to the playground.

I played the game for awhile, but because I didn't obey the rule about using the bathroom before you leave the house, I had to stop. My mom and I went back to her house for a brief moment so I could use the restroom and she got water for everyone that was playing.

We got back to the school and decided we'd hit a ball around. This was good practice for Lex. We all took a turn hitting and then decided it was time to head back to my parents for dessert. Besides the little kids were tired.

After finishing dessert and getting things cleaned and packed up we left my parents house and went to visit with Eric's mom for just a little bit. I was glad we were able to see her for evne just a few minutes that day. We got home late, but it was a really good day.

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